Hmmm.... I see this must be chump town. Okay, don't let my carnival barker boss know, but in the interest of fairness I'm going to reveal more of the picture. We have plenty of stuffed teddy bears and I haven't given one out all week. Try as you like, Sir, grab a ring and toss. ZC1 (gulp....I hope I don't lose my job..)
that looks like the clip for the overhead sun glass holder... it moves in and out of this pattern that hooks and releases this plastic pattern. nifty. same design on my parents RX400h
Okay V8Cobrakid, You've caused me to lose my carnival barker job so it's your turn. You have 24 hours to post a photo, asking "What is it?", and "What its' purpose?" The first person that answers both questions in ONE post will then have chumped you. (as you did me). Good luck. ZC1
i'll post more photos to clairify how it works and what it does... one min as i find a new part to the car with an incredible zoom to trick you guys.. haha
ok.. back.. and ready to post.. i guess Here's two pics of that clip.. one is simple and far away.. the other has red and blue. the red is to show the entry point of that black pin on the plastic. the blue is to show the process it goes through when push on the system to get your sunglasses. push in.. push out.
don't mind the hair pieces... this area isn't supposed to come uncovered.. but.. it happens from time to time in my car...
btw... i'm asking this unit as a whole piece.. and not just the center or the outer. i have a feeling this might be easy.
I think this is the spring on the left seat back near the backrest release. It pushes the seat back into the upright position after you lay it back.
I know I know, I think. Well really I wouldn't have a clue. It is the spring under steering column Purpose is to assist supporting the weight of the steering column when adjusting the height. Pass us another quoit please.
no.. no.. and.. no.. it is a spring.. and it doesn't really open anything.. just makes it having open.. easier you would have to pull off a "panel" to get to it... 1 "panel".. just pull... if i were to zoom out.. there is an identical one next to it... haha.. i'll show a pic.. one sec.
Spring arond a pivot shaft in the rear of the centre console Holds the centre console top up. You removed the rear seat cup holders to access it.