I am a very happy new Prius owner. I live in Wichita, KS and had to go to Kansas City to get a Prius. I ordered one over the phone with a dealer up there and paid a $500 deposit the first of May. I gave them 3 color choices and package choices. There were 17 people on the waiting list when I got on it. Two and a half weeks later they called and said one of their allocations was available if I wanted. It was Seaside with package 5. That wasn't my first choice of packages but it was one of my color choices so I wasn't going to turn it down. It took another 2 weeks to arrive in Kansas City. I drove up to Kansas City, said goodbye to my Subaru Imprezza Outback Sport and drove back to Wichita a Prius owner. I never even saw a Prius "up close and personal" before that day. The dealer was wonderful and went through everything with me. What is interesting is that when I picked it up 2 weeks ago, there were now 94 people on the waiting list. The dealer said it would be at least January before some of them got a Prius because even though they are the largest Toyota dealer in the area, they don't get as many allocations each month as in other parts of the country. I paid MSRP but got a $2000 discount for Package 5. I am very glad I was able to get one and am a very happy Prius owner. Timing was the important thing with me getting one and that I wasn't as picky about color or package options.
Welcome from a "neighbor" who also has a Seaside Pearl, package 5. I've had the car seven months and my only regret is that we don't have two of them. Just curious, what dealer did you work with in Kansas City? Mine was Jay Wolfe, who I would recommend if asked. I think you're going to love the Prius experience. I'm adding XM radio (self installed) this weekend.
I went to Molle Toyota. They are just over the State Line on 435. The Toyota dealer in Wichita was not the best to work with so I went elsewhere. I had them install the XM radio antenna for me when I got it. It "activated" on the way home. When I finally figured out some of the settings of the Navigational system, it lead me home on a more direct route instead of every country road between Kansas City and Wichita. I am really glad I got Package 5. It really helps make the Prius more of a thing of beauty than it already is.
Happy New Prius dmcnickle and :welcome: to Prius Chat ! I don't think the waiting lists are that long over here, but the Prius is definitely in demand though. You'll love the car without doubt and don't take any nonsense from those gas guzzling Subaru Imprezza Outback Sport drivers you may now meet on the road . Nice color choice too.
:welcome::welcome: Glad to hear you did not have to wait very long.. Very cool Color~~ I wanted a Seaside Pearl. I know you will be very happy with your new Prius! I have had mine for 2 months now and love it...
Howdy and welcome dmc, It is good to see that you are enjoying Prius ownership. I wish you many happy miles of motoring. There is much to learn here; stay tuned
It's a pull-out drawer at the front bottom of the center console. It's the perfect size for Puffs (out of the box) assuming noses run in your family. There is also a second place to store sunglasses (or whatever) under the radio. You'll swear it's black plastic, but it's actually tranparent, but you won't see through it unless the sun shines directly on it. Also, you don't have to shift into park before turning off the car. It goes to park automatically when you push the power button. These are all things it took me a few days (and reading this forum) to figure out.
Dmc, there is a lot of things to learn here! If you have ANY questions, do not hesitate to ask! To avoid flames, preface all your questions with "I did a search, but couldn't find this... can anyone tell me..."
Hello all, New prius owner here. Well I should say the wife, I just keep it clean for her. Lol All kidding aside it is the best car we have ever owned. My wife does drive it most of the time. The first thing we did was take hub caps off and had windows tinted. Big difference already. Hope to do some other acc. in the near future. Also hope to take some pics to post. Signed Happy Prius owner