Prius Observations

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by Danderson, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Danderson

    Danderson New Member

    Jun 26, 2008
    San Diego,Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hi,I'm new here and just wanted to relate my experience and possible suggestions to Toyota on the Prius. First observation was that the fit and finish seem up to Toyota standards. Entry and exit are quite easy with adequate headroom/shoulder room for big 'ol me.(6'4" 215#) Pickup around town is brisk and ride and handling is about average. Mileage as indicated is quite amazing as expected. Drivetrain was seamless. My biggest criticism was that the seats are mounted way too low to the floor,as are those on my '98 Accord. They are also too narrow. A long trip would be out of the question for me. Another concern of mine was the lack of power on steep hills with a headwind. My wife and I were returning to San Diego last December on US 101 southbound out of Oxnard. There was a very stiff Santa Ana headwind along with the steep grade present on this stretch of 101. Two cars and two only were struggling in the right lane. You know where I'm leading on this: they were Prius's. Even 10 year old econoboxes were wizzing right along. This was perplexing to me as the Prius vehicles I see everywhere on level ground or moderate grades are keeping up with ease. Anyway,kudos to Toyota and hopefully the wagon will come out along with an improved seating arrangement for my wife(tall also) and myself.
  2. mingoglia

    mingoglia Member

    Oct 25, 2007
    Gilbert, AZ
    2008 Prius
    Could it be possible that the Prius' were "struggling" because that's as fast as they wanted to go? Many stare at their MPG screen. I for one have a 425hp/425tq SUV in addition to the Prius so I'm used to having power on tap. I also have a Dodge diesel truck that's "turned up". With that being said I go back and forth between two of the vehicles (the Prius is my DD and the SUV is my weekend vehicle) and I've never once told myself I needed more power. Yeah, if you get on it on the freeway to pass it feels like the CVT has to wind itself up a bit before the power hits but the Prius maintains and accelerates pretty good up long grades. It holds grades at least as well as any other 4 cylinder vehicle I've owned. The 12 mile 7% grade at 100+ degrees climbing out of the valley (in Phoenix) with 4 people in my Prius is no problem for it. I can easily hold 85+ MPH. I can even slow down behind a truck, then pass it and accelerate right back up to whatever speed I want. Not a problem at all. There are a few that comment on holding hills but I've found these people usually have a scan gauge and they're trying to keep their engine under 4k rpm. If you put it to the floor and forget it it moves nicely. My wife just came back from a trip to the North country (of AZ) last month and averaged 47mpg during this very same route.

  3. Danderson

    Danderson New Member

    Jun 26, 2008
    San Diego,Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Coincidentally,I too have a very quick '07" turned up" Dodge diesel. Our observations were indeed accurate. I failed to notice how many passengers were in the cars,or their apparant age. It could have been they felt comfortable travelling in the right lane at 50 mph. This was the only time we've ever seen a Prius lagging. As a matter of fact,when they first emerged,I couldn't catch one with my minivan. When the wagon comes out w/six way power seats,I'll sure check them out. This is a very informative site. Thanks.
  4. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
    It may also be that those drivers were inexperienced and alarmed by the engine's roar at high speed and load. They should not have been; it is perfectly normal, and the computers will not let the engine damage itself.
  5. dwreed3rd

    dwreed3rd New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Marietta, Ga
    2008 Prius
    Just nice to read a Prius fan that doesn't feel the need to SUV bash.
    Glad to know there's others out there.
  6. onlynark

    onlynark Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    bay area
    Other Hybrid
    its probably because they saw the mpg read like 5 mpg if they pushed it....driving for mpg.