Today i went in for my 20k oil change at my local Toyota dealership and when i finished and went to get my car the sales manager stopped me.He told me that he wanted to buy my car (06 prius) at what i payed for it!I said i loved the car and didn't want too! but he left me his card if i decided to change my mind.He said there was at least a 6 mt waiting time now and they were desperate to get hold of some .I have to tell you that full price was tempting! I could then just go buy a 08 or 09!but this is my only car and i know there would be a long wait.Has the demand really skyrocketed since the 4 plus gas and if he was willing to give me what i paid when i bought it in June of 06 what kind of profit can they make on doing something like this.
When supply gets tight, they can sell used Prii for current sticker. (And charge a premium OVER MSRP for the new ones.) The Prius really holds it's resale value. Especially when gas goes up and there's a long waiting list.
i would have told him to sweeten the deal and i would have then considered it. after all, you need a temporary car to drive, a beater, in the meantime while you shop around for a new one.
heh heh. wonder what he offers you if gas goes up another buck? But then you would never be able to get a replacement Prius! Funny but I still see 20 Prii on the lot near my house for sale. All colors. I guess no one here is biting yet.
Sounds like the flipping factor is closing in on autos. Beware; that's what happened to the housing market three-four years ago, and look where we are now. It would be difficult to complain about extreme high prices of Prii or about the foreclosure on loans when the Prius value declines (and, ultimately, it will), leaving lenders with a bunch of cars and many buyers in financial straits.
everybody has to live somewhere and most everybody has to have a car. Might as well have a house that appreciates and a car that is very slow to lose value and is extremely reliable and cheap to feed and cool to boot!
You're right. But would you want a house that was $100,000 a few years ago, became worth $150,000 when you decided to commit to a contract this year, then falls to $120,000 when the boom busts a year from now? That would leave you $30,000 in the hole, and you still would owe the money. Lots of people did that, ignoring the basic principal of "buy low, sell high". Same will work with Prius if the flippers gain a foothold.
spammer reported I was on Autotrader today lookin at cars for my mom. Audi A4, BMW 328, Avalon, Camry XLE, etc.. i searched for all Certified Pre-Owned cars, and Longo and some other Toyota dealers had 07's with 20k+ miles for $29,995. So as a joke i posted my 2008 with 4800 miles on Craigslist for $35,000. Within 2 hours i had a call offering $30,000. It is tempting, seein after i pay off my loan i come out $20,400 on top. I most likely wont do it because i love seeing 50mpg but just wow
I reported it too. didnt see you had. How can it be that a car with miles and one owner can bring so much money? If you do it you'd be able to get another here in Central FL if you'd like. the dlr here has 20+ ready to go but I dont know at what price.
First let me introduce myself - name is Jimmy and live in Central Florida. I am waiting for my 2008 #2 - yes, I am on a list. If I am lucky- might get it by August. Anyway- SheepDog- where are you seeing 20 Prii's on the lot ready for sale anywhere in CF. I work in Lake Mary and this is news to me. Please give me some leads if this is a reality. Glad to be a member after lurking for a while. Everyone here seems quite friendly and helpful.
I gotta believe those cars must be priced way over MSRP. It's either go on a 6-month+ waiting list at MSRP or get one now for $5k more.
Absolutely McShemp - a lot of dealers here in Central Florida are charging premiums on their Prii/ even for those on waitlists. Fortunately, the dealer I am on the waitlist for is not so greedy. I am not seeing any Priis on any dealer lots- couldn't even get my hands on one to test drive. When they arrive on the lots- they are gone. If I had my hands on one, I would not even consider getting rid of it. All who have one are lucky and those of us waiting - well that's just it/ we are waiting.
Boy'd you say it! Neither love nor money could separate me from my Prius at this point (well, OK, maybe love, but that'd take a while.) I don't think I could deal with driving a "conventional" car and the wait for the new Prius would just be silly. I really do feel for those who've been forced out of their Prius by accident, fire, flood, etc. and now find themselves having to wait in line to buy one at a premium. That really is the stuff of nightmares. Fortunately, these cars don't seem easy to steal, though the way our society is someone is going to give a good old college try sooner or later.
WOW,, this is kind of tempting especially if you could make some money off it. Although, I really need my car as well. I never thought buying the Prius would end up being a money maker instead of just a money saver..
I would be tempted also, only have 5000 ish miles on the new 2007 I traded for and about $17,000 in equity. I got more than a fair deal on mine in May 2007. Could pay off some other bills, and be totally debt free in this kooky economy. There are other cars that get good milage, even though not as cool and efficient as the Prius. I predict the mother ship will start cranking out the next model Prius in big numbers to take advantage of the market. Gas is not going to get cheap enough to matter.
sheepdog... what is the name of the dealer you say has 20+ prius on the lot by your house? are you B.S.?
Sheepdog ??? I too am still waiting to find out what dealer has 20 Priis on the lot for sale in Central Florida. What gives.