Hello all, Other than the dealer, where can i buy touch-up paint? I did not see it at prius shop.com. Thanks for the help... c ~
I got my black at a Toyota dealer, but picked up some clearcoat at Wal-Mart. The selection may not be as complete as at dealer, but there seemed to be quite a bit there. You might also try the chain auto parts stores.
for $11, I would get the paint at the dealership. With each color, there are 10+ variations of color, flake, tint ect.
It probably doesn't do any good now, but I always ask the dealer for a bottle of touch-up paint when I buy my car. My Prius salesman agreed to give me one without batting an eye--in fact, due to a communication glitch between him and parts, they ended up each ordering me one (my color was out of stock) and gave me both. Granted, this was two months ago, back in those heady days when you could actually deal. I'd still go with the official version; paint dries a different color than its application color, and you don't want to find out after the fact that the paint you used was a little off.
I got in the website, but I am just looking for a touchup paint for my Prius. Do I order the Basecoat or the Clearcoat type? Any help is appreciated.
My 2004 silver Prius came with touchup paint. That's why Prius costs $12,000 to $15,000 more over here!!
should've just ask for one when u purchase the car. they'll give u for free.. we bought 5 cars and all came with free touchup paint...
I recently noticed bare metal on my hood, probably from flying debris on the highway. It's about about 1/16" in diameter. So I bought a small bottle of 4S2 (driftwood) touch-up paint from my dealer for $8. What do you guys think: Should I have also bought primer and clearcoat from the dealer? Or should I just go to some auto parts store and get some generic brand? Or I don't even need those and I just need to apply the basecoat? I find it interesting that the parts department didn't suggest those items to make a little more profit.
Joekc, I believe the difference is that the basecoat is what you would consider the color, ie. blue, red, silver while the clearcoat is just clear and glossy. The clearcoat goes on top of the basecoat.
Anyone care to share how they used their touch up paint ... as in did you just use a toothpick to fill in the chip? Did you smooth it out and buff the surface afterwards? If so, how? What is a good way to fill and smooth them so they don't stand out?
If I am not mistaken the basecoat is just paint itself without any shine. With the clearcoat, the paint can be buffed and polished/sanded to perfection. I purchased my touchup paint kit from the link that was posted in the early part of this thread. It comes with 4 bottles for $20.00. When ordering, make sure that you absolutely know your 'Paint Code' for your Prius.
You need to apply a 'very' thin coating one at a time and then let it dry for a few minutes. This way you do not make the mistake of applying to much on the area of the paint chip.