You know, a good friendly argument can be entertaining sometimes, but that's usually with friends or with other people I respect enough to keep the exercise intellectual. I think many of us know that there's some folk out there who seem to get their jollies by coming here and "stirring the pot." The moderators here do a very good (and unenviable) job of keeping the nonsense to a minimum and at the same time fostering an environment where information and ideas flow freely. However, I often wonder why we permit ourselves to rise to the bait sometimes? I know I do it sometimes, but then again I've never been the sharpest tack in the box. I think I know why (it has to do with my own unresolved intolerance for stupidity.) I'm wondering why others do it. The Prius really is a great car. Two months in I still smile every time I get in it, and I've got friends who think buying it was one of the best things I could possibly have done for a bunch of reasons. For all that, I wonder what motivates others to get bent about some of this stuff.
I'm with you. I got my Prius in 2006, and had a more than a few people tell me how bad of a choice I made. They loved to throw the Hummer "article" around saying that my Prius was actually worse for the environment. I'd just glide along in the HOV lane and smile. I did a couple of the mods to it (being a geek, I love the fact that I can easily hack my car, as it were), and through about 20 years of driving I think it's my favorite of all the cars that I've had over the years. I've had a few people who once told me I made a bad move come back and say, "Well, I guess you did buy the right car after all" with the gas prices going through the roof. Some people are still a little bitter towards it, it's hard to say what the motivation is and why they dislike it so much. Maybe they don't want to admit they were wrong to get that $60k Hummer that the dealership will only give them $20k for a trade now because they can't move those cars either (true example from someone else in my office). I still chalk it up to "Prius-envy", personally.
People get nasty when they feel they have made a bad choice. Acknowledging that you made a good choice buying a Prius is also admitting that they made a bad choice buying their gas guzzler. Consciously or unconsciously, it's easier for them to attack the Prius to justify their not buying one. You see this sort of behavior all of the time. Tom
heck i got my first one when gas was $1.60 a gallon... fillups averaging $15-$17... was told i would never get my money back and that a Corolla was so much better of a deal... that was in 2004... well, still work with that girl... she has gone thru 3 carpool buddies trying to mitigate her gas costs (she drives 35 miles one way) with that same car she thought was sooo good of a deal. i now drive a Zenn primarily, but still have the Pri... its driven just about the same distance as i would have driven it (commuting distances RT for me 13.8 , for her, 12.6, but she drops off son 3 days a week... less than a mile detour... but that brings total distance to just slightly more than me... i work 4 days a week, she 5) but all in all, few people will admit they made anything less than an excellent decision about a car purchase unless its a major lemon... that is just human nature... they justify their decisions based on their personal situation and that is how the accept that...reasoning that their situation is unique for some obscure reason ...
This part of the experience is really new to me. Until I came here, I'd only ever heard one person I actually knew actively speak against the Prius. He wasn't even bad, just uninformed (one ride down the I-95 convinced him that the hybrid system does function at freeway speed.) While I don't really know the people here, this is much more directed and personal communication than stuff like say the "Hummer article". LOL...I'm trying to curb my "inner geek" for the moment. I think that there are going to be some mods, the first is likely going to be tint, but that's not really a mod, it's still likely to be first. I think that there's really something in this, at least in so far as to why we get the bitterness. I was thinking more about why we tend to respond the way we do (some are sarcastic, some are angry, some are rational, and some are all three and/or other.) I think part of it is that we want to be "right" in our own choices as much as they want to be "right" about their's. It can certainly make for an interesting mix.
Yes, I think that this is really very true. However, it's this part that lead me to start this thread. I also agree with the principle here, but if we turn this around (remember I was really talking about why we as Prius owners react the way we do when confronted with anger from "outside") it seems to indicate that many of us are really still seeking validation of our own choice(s). Please don't get me wrong, I'm not intending to be judgmental. I just couldn't help but be struck by the contrast between that apparent lack of security and the absolute conviction that so many espouse in their posts.
Ouch, that's gotta bit in an ICE car. At least the Prius makes a commute like that somewhat less painful. Pardon me while I drool over (but not on ) your Zenn. I wish something like that was appropriate for my particular needs. Everything else aside, I do turn a rather unflattering shade of green every time I encounter someone who could/did make the choice for a vehicle like that. I was gratified to see that there are several dealers for them in my neck of the woods. I just wonder where they'd be driven. I guess we all do really want to be special or unique....It just seems like spend alot of time and energy defending ourselves and it got me to wonder if we're really "defending ourselves" or trying to convince ourselves...
We are the ones that should be angry. Gas guzzlers make gas more expensive. My Prius has made our other two cars obsolete and they are just modest gas guzzlers.
Does Prius the only Hybrid got verbal attacks all the time? How about other Hybrids like Civic, Altima, Saturn, Ford, GM, these cars also get stink eyes? Probably Prius is the 'only' hybrid the public know......that's why.
I'm a little confused here about people making fun of what kind of cars we buy. What gives anyone the right to ridicule something we just bought with our hard earned dollars. I was raised that i did NOT have to tell someone what i thought of there car, house , hair style or plastic sugery! Now if they asked thats something different. Seems Civility is fading and Rudeness growing, sadly.
The Prius presents an opportunity for people to look like they know something about a topic by attacking it, and its also a symbol of the haughty, self-righteous environmental movement that quite honestly makes a lot of people angry. I think thats why you see that.
I've had my car for 5000 miles now. My wifes Prii has 2500. I never miss a chance to extol the virtues of the cars to anyone who asks. Sometimes I give them more than they ask. They dont get pissed until I mention the 55 miles per gallon I currently am getting. But I know thats about them not me. What's not to love about my Lil Rachel! ! :flock:Just another sheep in the flock!
This is going to sound horrible, but I really kinda get off on the bitterness that people throw at me. I joke and tell people that my prius is run on "pure smug self satisfaction" and that for every bit of jealousy they feel I get another MPG. I know this sounds really smug, but my husband was constantly ridiculed when we decided to get the prius (he is in the army), but once gas hit 4.00 a gallon, the good ol' boys had to shut up, because maybe the H2 wasn't such a good idea. I have never had a large car, before my prius i had a carolla, (which I still have) and I remember those damn SUV's practically pushing my little car off the road, pulling up right behind me, blinding me with their lights, completely controlling the road.I remember seeing a hummer once with a licence plate that said "Got Gas", I wonder if he still has that plate? I say ENJOY the smug self satisfaction you get when you fill up your car next to an SUV and you finish filling up 10 minutes before they do and you spend 50 dollars less. The era of the SUV is over, let the hybrid era begin. PS. I keep waiting for the opportunity to fill up next to an H2, but it hasn't come up yet, oh well, hopefully soon!
That always makes my day, watching the looks on the faces of people who have to fill up those gigantor SUVs or massive pickup trucks. The look of pure jealousy mixed with a bit of scorn when I pull up to the pump makes me smile. After leaving the gas station once, a guy in a Hummer sped ahead and made a show of cutting me off. Then I pulled up to him at the light and he absolutely refused to look at me. hehe.
This really is a priceless experience. But honestly, simple politeness has kept me from pointing and laughing, but I do confess freely to chuckling inside my car as I drive away. I've also learned to not talk too much about the FE that I get. When people who don't know me hear about what I'm getting, I've noticed that I get some pretty dirty looks. Besides doing this routine is getting a little old: Them: You can't be serious. Me: Yes, I am. Them: But that's not possible. Me: Yes, it is, wanna see the log? Them: Holy @#$( !!!! That's a really good point....never thought too much about what it takes to clean-up....gotta remember this one.
When anyone asks me why I bought a Prius I just tell them: Because I wanted one! End of discussion.... Bob
Oh, don't tell me that we've been busted by the SPCT (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Trolls)! Seriously, I really did/do find it curious that we, as a community, get so bent by these folks....sure it can be amusing sometimes, but it frequently seems to get really less than amusing...