My husband and I are on our first road trip together and the first in the Prius. We drove across California, Nevada, Utah and into Wyoming and Colorado. What a champ! Handling the mountains with no trouble and passing our share of SUVs. Well, maybe a few more than our share. We've been averaging 48mpg and have seen 2 pink bars a few times but no problems. Also had full green bars so it all evens out! So, what I need to know is this - has anyone taken their Prius up Pike's Peak? Would you try it?
Expect to be running ICE-only after a while on the way up, so speeds will be limited (as they would for most cars). On the way down, you'll hit full charge, and may find the ICE running "dry" to avoid overcharging the battery, as if you were in B-mode. I'm curious how the ICE does at altitude, with the Atkinson valve timing. Photo Op at the top, post please!
[font=Comic Sans MS:a89d6868d1]To boldly go where no Prius has gone before.... Yes, pics, please, from the top![/font:a89d6868d1]
No reason not to try it. I'd bet money you won't have been the first, but you might be the first to post photos., never mind. I didn't realize this thread was from 3 years ago when I did my search for Pike's Peak. lol
I went to the top of Pike's Peak last week, it had no problems making it up, yes it was into pink bars on 5 or 6 occasions, but the speed other vehicles were going up the Prius had no problems keeping up. I do have the scangauge in mine and only on a couple of occasions did the RPM exceed 4000 RPM. I was surprised how well it did on a loop of just over 3000 miles. The car worked harder to get up to the Esienhowser Tunnel about 11,000 ft elevation on I-70 (just west of Denver) that it did on Pikes Peak.
No picture handy, but my 08 drove up a month or two back. I had just cross 1000 miles on it when I left for the trip (San Diego to Denver). We planned on taking the cog train up but missed the turn and just took the prius up. Engine sort of revs alot when the battery is all out but if you keep it slow (which you do), you dont have a problem. On the way down, the brakes overheat, as I havent had many automatics, and not having a '1' or '2' to place the transmission in (just 'b'). I was at 250deg (front brake temp) at the brake checkpoint, the jeep ahead of me was only 100deg. The ranger said that it wasnt to the point that I had to wait for them to cool (thats 300deg) but that I should pull over more frequently to let the brakes cool. - Go Bob Barr 2008 (send GOP a msg, conservatives want a conservative and McCain aint it).