Hi: Several people have posted comments about how their driving has moderated because the Prius gives the driver an MPG readout and the electric motor helps reduce fuel consumption. I've noticed this myself; my driving, while hardly manic, has indeed "calmed" down. The car is so quiet and gentle that it seems to pass these qualities onto whomever drives it. Big thing I've noticed is that this state of mind continues after I arrive at work and am dealing with computer glitches and other hassles. Anyone else had this happen? Humu
I tend to coast longer when I am coming up on a turn or a red light. I also speed much less frequently. Kinda creepy.
I was thinking the same thing today as eveyone seemed to be zooming past me at 85 mph on the interstate. What are they in such a hurry for? Don't they know it will kill their mpg? It only saves a couple of minutes on the commute. Of course, that's exactly what I was doing two weeks ago in my Taurus. It has made such a dramatic change in my outlook on life, I now refer to those times prior to getting my silver BC as BP, and after as AP (Before Prius and After Prius). What could I possibly have been thinking back then in the BP era? Now, in the AP era, instead of celebrating cutting 45 seconds off my commute time, I celebrate 100 mpg 5-minute bar graphs, and multiple regen 50 W-hr symbols. I actually look forward to the predictable afternoon traffic tie ups when I can creep along in stealth for a few miles, with only the soothing sounds of Beethoven's 6th symphony on the CD player. Jim
It absolutely positively affects my driving style. Having that visual reminder has done wonders to keep my speeds in check, and to remind me to look WAY ahead for that red light to start coasting towards. The results have been rewarding. 53.4 MPG in COMBINED driving from my last tank of fuel calculated - out of my classic no less!! :mrgreen:
I, too, have been listening to more jazz. I've been staying in the highway left lane and goin a bit slower. Ahhhh, the calmness.
So THAT'S it! I rented a Prius about a month ago (and am now waiting for my number to come up) and ever since, I've been driving my Ford Ranger baby pickup like I did the Pri: I feather the throttle, coast more down hills, drive more gently. Hmmm. Maybe my wife has noticed a change too.... Jim
Years ago, I put a vacuum gauge in my van to remind me to go easy on the pedal. It helped! Many newer cars have instantaneous mpg readouts, too, but they're not as obvious and not something the drivers did themselves, so they're not committed. A person's "want to" has to be ignited before they're receptive to making an improvement. Prius owners obviously want to.
Yes and no. While I bought the Prius for fuel economy, it's been the computer screen that has been instrumental in adjusting my driving style. I've often found that it doesn't take me long to revert to the old aggressive style when I'm back in the truck. No computers, coupled with 460lb/ft of torque, and the music of a medium duty diesel under the hood, has me back into the pedal again. Even the motorcycle tends to reward a heavy throttle. The music of that V- twin at 4500 rpm and up is almost like a drug. 8) Get back in the Prius though, and the mode switches instantly, thanx to that computer.
I have considered turning my Energy Monitor / Consumption display off for a tankful just to see what effect the lack of feedback has on my MPG. So far I can abstain for a day or two but then turn it back on. I think I must enjoy this milage game too much. Observation: When I have a 7 green SOC (never had 8 yet) I can modulate the gas pedal so as to be "between" full regenration and ICE driving the transmission and charging the battery. The flow lines on the display go completely blank! If I ease up on the gas, full regenration engages and I notice the drag as the generator resumes charging the battery. Does that blank state mean I'm coasting in neutral?
My favorite speed on the highway has always generally been about 70/75 mph. The first day I got my car I drove the 2 hours home at the speed limit of course for the break in, and I had absolutely no desire to go faster. Since then I've still had no desire for speed. I only go above speed limit on occasion when I'm being tailgated. I hate being tailgated. It is a very relaxing car. There was a traffic jam getting out of a movie parking lot onto the main road recently and I was in no hurry at all to get into it and out of there. I was stopped at a stop sign watching the cars go by, waiting to get in. Suddenly there was this big honk and I looked back to see a hummer behind me! So I rushed my way into the line and he tailgated me all the way onto the main road. I showed off by outaccelerating him and leaving him in the dust till he caught up again and tailgated me till he had the chance to pass. I couldn't believe anyone could be in such a hurry. No more than a month ago I would have been as impatient as the hummer, minus the honk and excessive tailgating of course.
My sentiments are more along the line with Wolfman. While in Orlando 2 weeks ago our rental was a Grand Prix. I was all over the accelerator on that thing, back to my old Type-A personality aggressive 10 over the limit driving style in no time flat. It certainly isn't that the Prius can't do that, it's a total lack of desire. I love maximimizing the efficiency and the instant feedback shows you when you're being successful. I mean, I'm really disappointed if I start the car at 50.5 mpg on the consumption screen and get to work at 50.3. I'm thrilled if I can get to work with it improved to 50.7. Do those 0.2 mpg REALLY matter, hell no. Intellectually I know that, but I just feel an urge to squeeze every ounce of efficiency I can out of the car. I can also tell you that in the early months of considering a Prius and right after ordering it I really poo-poo'd the classic owners talking like we are in this thread. I distinctly recall making comments like "I wanna know what will happen in the "real world" b/c I don't anticipate changing my driving habits one bit." Well, I did. And I'm better for it, as is my family. One other odd thing. When I drive like this, there seem to be fewer "bad drivers" out there. Occasionally I'll have someone like the Hummer example, but for the most part I don't notice as many stupid people...maybe I'm just not catching up to them as much.
Evan, if you were gassing up the Hummer you'd be dissed all the time too. They'er just reacting to their world as it slowly strippes them of their wealth.
I'm using the energy flow cancellation as well -- works great. Without the screen I'm sure I'd have the engine running 90% of the time and my mileage would slowly plummet.
Okay. I'll be the first one (?) to make the dirty confession: I just drive it! Unlike some others, the prius is a step up in power for me. Its combined 110 hp is considerably more than my old '89 Civic, and I like being able to zip out from stoplights and merge into traffic, etc. I take pleasure in knowing that half that energy is going right back into my battery when I step on the brake. It's cool to watch the diagram, and once I'm up to speed I like to feather the pedal to get it into stealth mode and watch the bar graph sit at 100 mpg. But as for my driving habits, I have not changed. I like the fact that Toyota has produced an effecient, clean car that drives just like any other mid-size sedan.
I find that I get disappointed if the MPG drops below 40. It is like a game, a challenge, to see how high I a raise it! I also love knowing that the price I pay at the pump (currently $2.30) is getting me twice as many or maybe three times as many miles to the gallon as the SUV next to me. I LOVE MY CAR!!! OK, this IS weird, I too am listening to Jazz more often!! 8) Will some one explain that!
Well, I can't say that I listen to Jazz. My main channel is on XM, and it's called Squizz. It's an uncensored heavy metal channel. It keeps me nice and awake on the now midnight drive home from work.
I've also have been more conscious of mileage and have been attempting to maximize by being more "careful". I've also been more cautious for fear of damaging my "baby". I hope I don't become one of those fuddy-duddies who creeps away from stop signs and holds up traffic! chuck