No mention of Prius? J.D. Power and Associate's annual Automotive Performance Execution and Layout (APEAL) survey measures just how much owners like their brand-new cars. The cars Americans love best - Measuring your car's APEAL (1) -
Ah, American democracy--where the majority of the people believe "truth" is determined by majority vote . . .
The first page of the story includes this: So, with that said, you'd think at least one really gas-efficient vehicle would make the list, right? That's what I thought, and so I went through all 18 pages .... nothing!
...and it was interesting how page after page referred to premium/luxury cars (that most Americans can't afford to buy?), but no mention of the Prius or any other hybrids...
I haven't gotten my JD Powers Survey yet. Come to think about it, I've NEVER gotten a JD Powers Survey. They probably send them to the same people that determine the "best" TV shows.:car:
I got a JD Powers survey in the mail yesterday.. it was for the experience at my Toyota dealership and how it compared to the other Toyota dealerships that are in my immediate area.
I think I just got the same survey in the mail yesterday! I haven't opened it yet because it's not a bill and I was busy mountain biking yesterday after work through till the evening.
The only way fuel economy can increase is if the government mandates it. They neglected this for 30 years, and the consumer is now paying for it.
Who paid for the survey and who wrote it. If this was a "choose one of the bullets" the choices may have been extremely limited and.....biased.