Got the call that my car is in ... barely under 6 weeks was my wait from putting down the deposit. Just need to go up there and talk #s with my trade ('07 Acura MDX), etc. Planning on doing that Thursday and then getting the windows tinted on Friday (if the pricing is right). Sticker for my Black Touring in Pkg 6 turned out to be $28,873 ... guess it came with floor mats and the adhesive guard for the back bumper.
Going to talk to them tomorrow and it seems my car may be worth a bit more than the Prius ... just thinking I'm sure to get hosed on that deal b/c I can't see THEM cutting ME a check at all. Otherwise, I am having a little bit of anxiety about giving up my Acura MDX ... regarding size, etc. I know I want to drive a Prius though ... seems like I go through this everytime I get rid of a car (except when I traded off my Wrangler ).
We got the call that our car is here too and will be finalizing the deal on Saturday. We are trading in our 07 Camry and also a bit anxious about what we'll be offered for the trade. We really like the Camry as well but our MPG has never been the greatest. We only get about 20 MPG but most of our driving is city-vs-hwy. I am really going to miss the sunroof......
Just back from the dealer ... they offered me about $5500 less than what I was hoping ... they were willing to come up about $1000 on the trade-in offer (putting it at $4500 less than I was hoping for), but that isn't good enough for me. Even taking into account the tax difference, etc (taxes would cost $2000 on the Prius outright), that's still $2500 differential. Any suggestions? I thought about just selling my car myself, but the SUV market isn't the best obviously. I really don't wanna take it in the rear on this one from the trade-in though. I am thinking about just buying the Prius and keeping my trade and trying to sell my '07 Acura MDX on my own, but just not sure if that's wise financially. I hate to say it, but I may not be getting a Prius now ... just seems like a dumb move financially all-around given the #s I've been able to work.
you are almost always going to be on the minus side when you sell or trade in a car that is one year old . with the market for suvs withering you might find that the $4500 loss starts to look like a good deal as time goes on. take a stab at selling it on your own, maybe see what carmax will give you, it 's worth a shot
Thanks to everyone ... I ended up doing the deal. I am the proud new owner of a Black Touring Pkg #6. I will have pics after the tinting is done, etc. I thought and thought and checked CarMax, etc. The deal was not good, but finally I thought about how the SUV market will probably get worse if anything and a Prius will hold its value better. I drive 20,000 - 25,000 miles/year, so my gas savings over a year @ $4/gallon is over $3400 ... plus my registration and insurance BOTH will be half of what they were in the MDX. It really just came down to the fact ... I WANTED A PRIUS ... you can make arguments anyway you want (keep or trade), but it just comes down to the fact I wanted it. Again, thanks to everyone on here. I achieved 48 mpg on the way back home (80 miles or so) driving like I always have (+4 over speed limit on highway ... @ 64mph) without babying it much. Only complaints so far are the seat comfort and stereo quality, but I expected both coming into the deal so I'm not disappointed. Absolutely loving the engine not running at stoplights and going thru parking lots and drive-thrus silently. The cargo room is a pleasant surprise as well (again I knew it was decent, but once it's finally YOUR car you seem to take more notice of things).
Dragging this topic up again ... I just wanted to report how I'm liking the car so far ... I have had quite a few new cars and I can say without a doubt this is my favorite so far! I had intentionally low expectations coming in, but the Prius has surpassed all of them. The ride is nice, the car is quiet, the Nav and tech works even better than I anticipated, the "get up and go" is better than I expected, etc. etc. etc. I would still like more adjustments to the seats and a little nicer stereo, but overall it's good enough to not be a big deal. I really don't mind the steering wheel not telescoping. One thing I hadn't thought about before was the fact there isn't a dual zone climate control ... can be a big deal when your lady friend is ALWAYS cold. No big whoop. The hatchback WAS a great idea by Toyota ... so much usable room. I already have the windows tinted and that has helped a great deal as well with my enjoyment. Still debating adding SIRIUS down the road and the LockPick. I heard some people complain about the reverse backup ... doesn't bother me really. Heard some complaints about the HIDs as well and they seem great to me, but I haven't been out on the highway yet either. I came into this expecting to be making a few sacrifices for what you get, but I have been OVERLY happy. Just wanted to throw all that out there.
Glad to hear that you are liking the Prius. I think after a while you will not even miss your other.. What was that you had again..... see how easy it is to forget the SUV.. The Prius is without a doubt the nicest new car I have owned. It is my 4th new car in 8 years and I am very happy with it.
You are aware you can turn off the reverse beep? Do a search here. It helps to have three hands, but since you probably don't, just keep trying and you'll get it.