I know the adage YMMV applies here, but I was curious what other PCers experience was with the Goodyear ComfortTread tires. Ours have only lasted about 35K miles and are do for replacing before we go on some trips this summer. For comparison, the Integrity tires lasted about 35K miles too. Overall, we have been pleased with the ComfortTreads, but I don't want to have to replace them again in 35K. I have seen several report getting around 70K with the TripleTreads and I wonder if would last that long for us. So, did we just get a bad set (or have bad road conditions) or is this typical for the ComfortTreads. To set the picture, I try to keep them at 40/38 and rotate them every 9K miles or so (I know I should have it done more often, I just hate how long it takes to wait).
:spy:I had over 48,000 mile on my set of ComFort Treds on my 04 when I traded it in for my 07. Rotated them every 5,000 miles with no issues. They are 80,000 mile tires.
Driving and road conditions with impact it a lot. I find that most manufacturer numbers are pretty much wishful thinking.
Here in AZ, tires don't last nearly as long as the ratings. The summer heat kills 'em. Going into the third week above 100 degrees, started earlier than usual this year. You can fry an egg on the asphalt out there. At midnight... I've still got the original Integrity ones on, 2 years old and about 19k miles, so I figure I've got one more season left in them.
Hi Michael. I'm starting to need to replace the ComforTred tires on my 2005 at about 40K miles. I'm going to go back to where I bought them since they have an 80K mile tread life warranty and they are done in half that. The ride is fine, but that's way too short for what you pay for.
Michael, I'm having the same tire wear experience on my ComforTreds here in South Florida; heat and my 70MPH commute speed just kill tires. I put new ComforTreds on after 35,000 miles on my old ComforTreds (they could have lasted 40,000). I paid $312 form Tirerack. I'm very happy with the ride and performance of the ComforTreds. The OEM Integrities were CRAP and I threw them away after 10,000 miles.
Thanks for all of the feedback everyone, it has been very helpful Same thoughts here, seems too short for an "extended life tire." I am going to end up going back to where I bought them to try and get a substantial amount back. Although most of our driving is in the city and lower speeds, the heat and the car not being garaged may be playing a role.
I posted somewhere about Integrity OE tires on an Ford commercial van with 70K miles on them that looked half worn. Standard tire pressures. The driver was delighted with those tires after one year and 70K miles. I didn't see any need to upgrade the Integritys on my Prius. I would have preferred a wider tire for better handling, off my SUV experience, but they are selling gas mileage on this car, so they go with a narrower tire. And Goodyear won't swap off the OE tire size.
I agree. My OEM Integrities have over 62,000 since new in Jan 06. They still look pretty good. I do 99% highway, at about 40/38 TP and 10K rotates. I'm thinking about new tires, probably Michelein, but so far, no problems except wet weather traction. In LA wet traction isn't really much of an issue. The wet traction problems are when I accel out of a wet gutter and the ever-present TC kicks in with its heavy hand.
Maybe it is the overzealous TC on the 04's, but I would frequent have wheel slip and hesitation when turning at stoplights and pulling into traffic if I wasn't very careful (even when it was dry). The comforTreds had no such problem, at least until the last week or so. At any rate, all's well that ends well. I ended up getting quite a bit back from the ComfortTreds (a total of $155 or a little under $39 per tire). Given that it was right around half of the cost of the tire (I think it was around $78). Didn't notice much of a mpg difference on the way home, but will see how it holds up.
Had to replace my Comfortreds after 60K miles (they could have lasted a few more miles). Got some $$$ back for the distance shortfall. The ride, traction and noise was good initially. However after 20K miles I found the traction was getting worse in wet weather and also the noise was creeping up. I replaced the Comfortreds fro Michelin Energy Saver A/S last week. The Michelins are pretty much the same noise as the COmfortreds (when new). The ride on the Michelins feel better as well, and it seems I have gained 2-3MPG over the worn Comfortreds with the new Michelins. Too early to tell though on the mileage. I suspect the Michelins will have a hard time lasting 60K miles though, but we shall see. I do like the ride better and I think the wet traction will be a good improvement. I will see how gas mileage goes, but I think I will gain 2+MPG (on avg of 51MPG), I tend to drive fast on highways