people get hit by trains in MA on a every other month basis while driving. mostly elderly at odd angled crossings. think north andover MA for example.
Very obviously a fake. Check the disappearing car in the background at 0:18. That, and look at the shadows on the Prius and the train, they are pointed in different directions. This has been going around on digg and other sites, pretty much agreed to be a fake. On a related note, what's with all the Prius-haters in comments these days? Take a few months off from the forums, and I come back and see more trolls than I'm used to seeing here. Prius-envy?
Ah... we have two threads on the same thing. I sure don't see a shadow problem.
Hmmmm....OK...not exactly sure I see this an obvious fake, but that's really a different thing....I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that someone would actually do this or that someone would fake doing it. Either way it's just stupid. If you've never seen the results of car meets train, then please talk to someone who has. It's never a pretty thing and it rarely has a happy ending. So if it's real, the driver certainly earned his sign from Jeff Foxworthy. If someone montaged this together, they should get two signs. One for thinking this was a good idea to fake, another for actually doing it. Wish I seems like there's rash of them lately. Does this happend every year when school lets out? I've only been around here since I got my Prius back in April of this year....
if its not fake, it looks like the driver did that on purpose... "i wanna end my crappy life...! u know what, forget it.. i'll live..."