Got my 2008 Prius Monday and having a great time with the steep learning curve - one thing bothers me and I don't find a fix! The instrument panel, where the speedometer is, is very dim in the sunlight even with the brightness dial at max. Anyone know of a fix for this?
There's a detent just before max, when you think you've got it at the max setting, push a bit more, should "click" to max. This would only apply if you're driving around in the relative light with your headlights turned on. Zhe Wiz
It shouldn't be too dim, even in direct sunlight. Perhaps your Prius has a problem. Are you wearing sunglasses? Some drivers report wearing sunglasses makes it hard for them to read the display. It appears to be related to the polarization. Tom
I feel for you. First, sunglasses do make it harder to read the display and polarized ones can almost make it disappear all together. Also you didn't say how old you are, but if you have cataracts it gets even worse. This isn't limited to just the Prius. My Avalon with it's fancy-smancy electro luminescent dials does the same thing in bright sunlight.
Make sure your headlights are not on. If they are, it will dim the display and dim down the MFD. I went through this little learning curve when I got my baby in March!!! Enjoy the toy!! 73 de Pat KK6PD