I ordered a Prius a few weeks ago (and specified which colors and packages I would be OK with). The dealership just called me and said they found a car with a color and package I wanted, and they said they put my name on it. But the dealership couldn't tell me how long it would take to get here. Does anyone know how long a Prius takes to get to the dealership once a car is identified and allocated to a buyer? Thanks!
I am no expert, but I would guess it all depends on how quickly they can get a truck to load it up and get it delivered and detailed for you. Hopefully within a couple of days. Congrats on getting your car!
Well, I haven't even gotten THAT phone call, yet! As it was explained to me (and I've now learned some of what I was told was incorrect) the cars come in 2 ports, one in Cal and one in New Jersey. The dealer got a car and put your name on it, so to speak. Now it has to get to your dealer from the port. THEN they do their detailing and so forth. Enjoy the anticipation!
I received my car in less than four weeks from the time of ordering. They called and said my car arrived at the port and should be at the dealership in two weeks. Well, they called a week later and said it was there on the truck. They did a quick turn around on it with detailing and such. I picked it up four hours later. Additionally, it was also the only dealership in the geographical area that didn't try to rip me off by over charging (Hampton Roads, Virginia Beach area).
Depending on where the car is, it could have been ported at Houston, TX (Gulf States Toyota Distributor) or even Jacksonville, FL (Southeast Toyota Distributor). I don't know the specifics on allocation of a vehicle, since I ended up getting a vehicle that was already shipped to Jacksonville, FL and was being offloaded (Wednesday) in two days (Friday) to the dealer for which I put $$$ down and had my hot little hands on it Friday to see, before it got shipped back to the distributor for additional leather seats. IN this time of wait lists, I'd have to defer to someone else.
I think the allocation happens when the car is still on the ship. So it has to arrive and be off-loaded from the ship, then the distributor installs any Port-Installed Options, then it gets put on a truck and sent to the dealership. I was informed about my allocation (mid-atlantic region) about 2 weeks ago and I think I have 2 weeks +/- to go.
We ordered ours several months ago and got the call that the car was in an allocation about a month ago. It arrived at port on July 7th and we are still waiting for it. We are getting leather put in a package 5, so that work has to be done. They tell me it will be here Monday or Tuesday.