same deal with me, I wanted white, all I could get was silver Oh well, love my Prius (got her end of May, 08)...
Never imagine I'd sing this to my to-be silver prii. You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, it's true. I saw your face in a crowded place, And I don't know what to do 'Cause I'll never be with you. .....
I'm all priused (you saw it here first!) out. Crazy bunch aren't we? (Man, all the anticipation is driving me nuts)
I think it's the one on the right. Then again it could be a trick question. OK, none of the above and that is my final answer.
To the Moderators ... Can we make this Classic Silver Prius Club thread into a sticky so it's easy to find???
Anyone know the Toyota paint code for Classic Silver? I need to fix a couple of rock chips before I have a clear bra installed
I've only seen pictures of it from the back. Didn't know it needed to be in the front also. Dang ugly looking thing.
I know! At least the stickers hide some of the car's ugly though. They didn't even cost much. I hide my ugly EV in much the same way.