A. Someone needs to take his Prius away. He does not deserve it. B. See!!! The Prius DOES have good acceleration!
Just watched it again. Is that one of those two lane lift gate things? Sure does look like it. If it is one of those two lane gates how does the prius get through without going off road?
The gate only blocks the one lane. You can see him make the "S" going around each of the gates. What an idiot!
It does seem odd that someone was there with a camera just at the right moment. But it is possible to drive through because, as Freedom points out, the gate arm only blocks half the road on each side, so that a car on the tracks when the gates come down would not be blocked in.
Beyond the idiocy, I see nothing that makes it seem fake. I've seen others do this more often than I care to admit. We have busy rails through my town, so freight trains are a common sight here. All you have to do is drive an S through the two gates... just like this guy did. The camera seems to be something like a security camera. Low frame rate and resolution. Maybe it is part of a system to catch some of these idiots... as in they've had this problem before?
I guess its the angle of the video along with the shadows that makes it look like the gate arms reach across two lanes.
Apparently there's substance to that notion, seeing as the train didn't hear the Prius coming either.
Do a search. The incidence of trains hitting cars is on the increase because of drivers doing exactly what this nut did....driving on the wrong side of the road in an "S" to bypass the gates. This guy should have his insurance canceled, car impounded and driver's license permanently revoked. It's not just about the car getting hit. It's all of the people on the train dieing or seriuosly injured when the train hits his car.
I gotta say it again....and people wonder about the need for things like train awareness weeks and Operation Lifesaver.... Hmmmm....OK...not exactly sure I see this an obvious fake, but that's really a different thing....I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that someone would actually do this or that someone would fake doing it. Either way it's just stupid. If you've never seen the results of car meets train, then please talk to someone who has. It's never a pretty thing and it rarely has a happy ending. So if it's real, the driver certainly earned his sign from Jeff Foxworthy. If someone montaged this together, they should get two signs. One for thinking this was a good idea to fake, another for actually doing it. Anyone else care to invoke the rule that if someone is too stupid for the car they're driving, we can take it way from them?
Either a fake or a set up. The camera angle is too low to be a stationary security camera, IMHO. But I have seen morons do try to outrun a train and they are sometimes surprised to find out (posthumously) that a train was also coming from the other direction at the same time on a set of double tracks I can't believe a Prius owner would stoop to such risk jackass risk taking or producing a fake video! Maybe it was rented..... Lee
that'd be a pretty crummy time to discover the no-power-when-the-wheels-slip feature! my god there'd be battery acid everywhere