Has XM hard wired in to my car, in addition to the unit (SkiFi3 play through the radio Fm reciver) I had a modulator booster installed as well. For about the past 2 years the signal strength of the units has been reduced my the manufacturer because so many people bitched and moaned that it was too strong. (interfering with other radios). Had really crappy reception with the unit alone, but with the booster (Best Buy $29) the reception is stallar, absolutely no static, even works in the garage. FYI, if you get one installed, well worth the $29 for the sound quality.
We've installed a few of these for customers that complained to the manufacture about poor signal strength and each of them reported a marked improvement. Good to hear it worked for you as well and thank you for posting the info.
I got mine at Best Buy when they installed the unit. Do a google search for "fm direct adapter". Lots of options, Audiovox is the most common. Cost bewtween $15-$30 depending on where you get the device. Again, mine worth every penny.
How difficult was this install? Living in the DC metro area, I have had the same problem with my XM. Currently, 'm running it through the "AUX" port on the radio. That seems to work, but an extra cable sticking out the to of the unit.
I paid Best Buy the $79 to hard wire my antenna and the power. Frees up plug in for my GPS. The inverter/booster installes behind the dash. All of my wiring runs under the carpet, you cannot see anything. Looks great. I ran the power through plug in and antenna myself and it was awful looking and sounded bad. I literally have no static now and clear as a bell reception. Good luck! :drum:
I did the search suggested. Appears that unit converts the FM modulator method of connecting XM to your stereo with a direct connection. That should certainly improve sound quality but I can't imagine how it improves actual XM reception. Am I missing something?
My problem has always been helped (fixed) by the FM modulator. Even in light coverage areas the reception has been very strong. Is your problem really the poor XM receptions (signal) or is is the inablility to transfer that signal to a static free clear channel on your radio?
I don't use FM for Sirius (in my case), mine is a direct connection. I notice this receiver cuts out much more than my old Sportster unit. I'm looking for something that improves satellite radio reception. I think we are talking different issues, thanks anyway...