Date Ordered: 3/10/04 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Libertyville, IL Timeframe given for delivery: 8-14 months Color: Black Option Package: #9 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: did not ask Ray Title edited by Danny to follow uniform guidelines of the Order Tracking forum
Last time I spoke with one of the guys at Libertyville, he said they had around 50 on their list. FWIW
Well, the salesman told me if I blew off my current order (with another dealership) and went with Libertyville, I probably wouldn't get my car until next March (still an 05, though). Further, he said that they try to match packages (but not colors). So, if a Silver BC arrives, someone who specified a Black BC would trump someone else, higher on the list, who had ordered, say, a Black AM. If my dealer did that, I'd already have my car.