I just got my car back after replacing the shifter part. My car is a 2008 with 1900 miles on it. I was driving it this morning and every warning light came on. I pulled over and turned my Prius off, restarted and every warning light is still on. I just drove it to a near by Toyota dealer. They tried turning my Prius off then on still lots of warning lights. I wait while they plug my car into thier computer, they say there are a lots of error codes including bad main battery, ICE failure and just about every thing else is wrong with my Prius. I show them the screen on the car where the main battery has a green charge in it, I turn it on, lots of warning lights but the ready comes on the ICE starts. They agree something is wrong but not sure what it is. I get a loaner car and drive home. Any ideas of what is wrong?
I have had this happen to me with my 2004 Prius. Without the exact error codes it is impossible to say what went wrong. There was a recall for my car for a loss of control of the engine controller. My problem occurred after the recall and reprogramming of the ECU. This is not the whole story, to get all of the information you will need the inf codes. Those codes can only be gotten with the scan tool that Toyota uses. So do not reset the codes in your car when you read them out as that may erase the inf codes. MY opinions: My advice to all is to get a scan gauge and use it yourself. Write down the codes. Take pictures of the console when it is in the error mode. Then post the information to the National Highway Safety Transportation web site as a consumer complaint of a failure. After that post the information here. You may be the bleeding edge of another recall of the Prius or just another computer that went prematurely bad for no reason at all. "To err is human, to really screw things up it takes a computer."
Could you please be specific about exactly which warning lights came on? How about the MFD: did any warning icons appear on the screen? It sounds like you were able to drive the car to the dealer. Did you notice any driveability symptoms while you were driving the vehicle?
Yes I lot of stuff showed on MFD. Every warning light came on, I drove my car 5 miles to Toyota dealer with the ICE running, no problems with driving. About 15 minutes ago the dealer called and said a computer needed to be replaced, not sure of which one.
Coincidence, or maybe they trashed something while replacing the shifter. Let them repair it and then don't worry about it. If something is still broken after that dealer's 2nd repair, take it to another dealer.