I've just sold my 2005 T Spirit and before the new owner collects it I'd like to clear all the map memories, clear the phone memories, restore default factory settings, etc. Is there any quick and easy way to do this ?
Disconnect one side of the 12V battery (in the back, on the right side under a floor panel) and leave it disconnected for five minutes. You can also erase all user settings in each system. May take a few minutes, but nothing to disconnect.
Many thanks Bill - I think I'll try the battery disconnection method as that should give a more thorough reset, I imagine.
disconnecting the 12olt battery is not the way to go i have my 12volt disconnected for longer then 5 min ( when it broke down ) and the phone numbers are still in the prius memory you need to delete them by hand.
OK - thanks - I just went outside to try the battery method but couldn't easily find the 12V battery, so I went for the manual method and deleted the phone books, map memories etc by hand. It would have been nice to have been able to set all the various user settings to their factory defaults, but this is probably good enough.
yeah i have had this verified. the prius phone book will definitely be retained when the 12 volt battery is disconnected. you have to press the delete personal info button on the screen the only thing that you lose when you disconnect the battery is the clock, the radio presets, and the automatic windows and the settings to the back up alarm and seat belt alarms, and probably the trip meters, etc even your garage door opener codes is retained when the battery is disconnected