When I took a test drive in a 2004 Prius back in November I distinctly remember wishing the MPH display was larger, and more distinct (easier to read at a glance). The car I received earlier this week has a distinctly green display with MPH number segments that are ~1/4 inch wide. Everything in this display area seems much easier to read than on the one I drove back in November. Is this my imagination? Has Toyota made an unannounced improvement on these cars? Has anyone else noticed this? ??? Ken
You can change the colors of the display - perhaps a different color - green- is more readable to you. I got my car near the end of Dec. and it had the same display as the one I test drove in Nov.
There's a roller switch on the lower left part of the dash that allows you to change the intensity of the MPH screen and the main info screen. Perhaps it was turned down during your test drive.
To change colors of the screen, press the INFO button on the right side of the screen, then press screen settings. You will see choices for colors - blue, green, grey, and beige. I tried the different colors, but I think the grey is the easiest to read for me.
ah yes... ok... i thought we were talking about the spedometer. i was about to spend another couple hours playing around in the car. :mrgreen: -r
Yeah, I like the beige, too. It seems less intense during night driving than the other colors. It would be nice if it were more configurable, maybe by plugging in a laptop and downloading mods. I thought too they were talking about the color of the speedometer. Since it's a projection system, I was wondering about slipping a color gel over the dash. I found out about the projector during a test drive, when the dealer put a license plate on the dash. It slid forward and the display blanked out. I haven't looked too close at it since then, but I would think you could at least change the shade of the display, even if you can't change the color entirely.