I received word today that my prius package 6 should be in mid july. It has the following port installed options :CF DK WL. I can't find what DK accessory is ? Anyone know what DK stands for ? Thanks in advance.
I couldnt find anything for DK, i did find DG Door Edge Guards (Port Installed Option. Available Only in Gulf States.) It could also be DF1: Dash, Carbon Fiber Appearance (Port Installed Option. Available Only in Southeast Region.) I know those aren't DK but those are the ones that start with a D
A quick google search came up with one reasonable hit, here on PC: View Profile: tetris Go to "About Me", look at the signature: "DK: Preferred Owner's Portfolio" Sounds as likely as anything else. Didn't find too many hits on that, though; I wonder if you're in the same general area as tetris is? Either way, happy driving!
I think you may be right about the preferred portfolio. I saw it listed on the spec sheet but the DK was at the top of the page so I didn't put them together. Figured preferred portfolio was a 'give me' that everyone got. Now that is an exciting accessory - now I really am excited - LOL.
the portfolio isnt a giveaway, i got a crappy white one with the dealers logo stamped on the front....laaaaaame. anyone know where i can get a black vinyl one?
My advice is to pass on all of the accessories at time of sale as you'll get a discount card for the parts dept. If you want the stuff buy it from Parts after the sale or on line.
ound:ound:ound:ound:ound: That would be so lame. One of the few bad spots in the afternoon that I picked up the car was opening the glovebox and finding that cheesey vinyl owner's manual. For as carefully thought out and as appealing as most aspects of the car are (at many different levels) the cheap vinyl cover was a real let down. I know that seems silly, but most other things about the car look, feel, an operate to very high standards. In the middle of this, they put a $0.50 piece of vinyl that even looks cheap...go figure.