No worries about the little one, she knows I love her more than I could ever love the car, and both my wife and I had very lengthy discussions with her about the rock and car fiasco. I still pop quiz her about it out of the blue every now and then, just to make sure she listened.
...if it would be my doughter I will fill out the NASA-Form for the first manned Mission to Mars with her Name... Plenty of time to think about where to draw and where not... just kidding Andreas
I beg to differ. Spanking is a perfectly reasonable way to teach a lesson when necessary. All this BS about just "reasoning" with kids (especially when they're too young to fully think out what they've done) is crap and usually spouted by "intellectuals" with no children of their own, so they know nothing about what forms of communication are needed to get a point across.
Try Meguiars Scratch X it;s in the wax area of stores, or take it to a GOOD Detailer in your area he may be able to buff it out saveing you $$ on a paint job
And then you get mad when they hit another kid like their sibling or a classmate because they're angry, having learned aggression = resolution from you. Why would you ever teach a child(later an adult maintaining the same lessons) to react/respond with aggression? Now that's a snake eating it's tail just begging for nascar stickers and stained wife beaters(or abusive boyfriends). Way to go on furthering your name! No one said to reason, but a smart enough parent never has to get physical. Sorry for the hijack. Had to comment back. I'll quit now. .
Spanking, when done correctly (as in a few swats on the behind ) teaches them there is punishment when they do something wrong. I was raised successfully with this method and I raised three sons successfully, also with this method. NONE of them are abusive boyfriends or wear stained wife beaters- or any of the other offensive stereotypes you mentioned. Reasoning with your children is fine, and works most of the time, but sometimes, especially when they're young, they need the reinforcement of immediate punishment if they disobey or do something wrong or dangerous. The swat or two on the behind does not hurt the child or teach them that aggression = resolution to anything. So, how many children have you raised??
C'mon, lets not make this a fight about spanking. Anyways I would find a good professional detailer in your area and have them polish it out really well and see how it looks. 99% of that might be removable by someone who knows what they're doing with a buffer and/or a wet sand. If that doesn't work, have her painted, it'll be fine. No dealer, NO MAACO...awful, find a well respected local shop. Its gonna cost $1000 probably if they have to respray that whole panel and blend it into the rest of the car. Pay to have it done right. When I was a kid (I was older than her) my dad had a blue Chrysler 5th Avenue. We had this rotating brush thing that attached to the end of a hose. As a detailer now, I cringe at the very thought of such a distruct-o tool lol. Anyways I decided I'd wash my dad's car for him...and somehow a rock must have gotten into the brush head and scratched the whole car up...everywhere. I felt AWFUL, but we got them out together. I'll always remember my mom & my dad working on those scratches with rubbing compound and T-shirts for hours lol. Of course, that was single stage paint which was a lot easier to fix than modern clearcoats.