Thanks, Galaxee! I will post a new photo later today. In the meantime, in the interest of promoting Prius technical knowledge, I attached a couple of excerpts from the 2001 and 2004 NCF that provides details of the fuel system for the benefit of members who have been following the discussion about your most recent photo. I have to admit that this system is quite complex and I have not taken the time to fully understand it; fortunately it has worked without problems on both of my Prius.
Oil filler hole. Inside the rocker cover. Or more correctly, the cam box top. (I don't think there are any rockers.)
Well done Patrick, by the way. Oops where are my manners? Hey, how many Patricks are there on Prius Chat? We seem to be a little over represented. I remember seeing 4 yesterday, in person I only know 1 other Patrick but I don't get out much I suppose.
Location: Inside the rocker arm cover Purpose: To eliminate oil splashback while the engine is operating. ZC1 (most oil covers have this, since the early 60's at least)
Hi ZC1, Well...there are no rocker arms, but I assume that you mean the valve cover; and will give you full credit. Congratulations!
Pat, You assume correct, the rocker arm cover is the valve cover is the shiny rectangular boxes on each side of the engine (in my show car). No rocker arms in the Prius, how is variable valve opening performed? ZC1
Only the intake valves have variable timing. The intake camshaft sprocket contains a hydraulic mechanism that allows the camshaft to vary its position with respect to the sprocket, based upon engine oil injected under pressure. I am looking forward to seeing your next photo!
just a quick note for the folks who want to see more of the inside of the metal gas tank housing... here's the whole photo expose.
Okay, Boys and Girls....Time to put on your thinking caps. No...!! not the tin foil ones you normally wear, the "other" one. That is right. Pat...!!! Put down that pocket protector. Galaxee...!! Stand up straight...sheesh. (little rascals....) ZC1
Yeah, the hot pixel comes and goes depending on the back ground color. I have a couple pics where it's not showing. I wondered why everyone kept getting red-eye....pffttt.. Great guessing guys, keep it up ....c h u m p s .. ZC1
the hot pixel is always there, just won't show as much with lighter backgrounds. If it's a good camera you can get it mapped out by the manufacterer, if it's a point and shoot it isn't worth it.
Okay Sir, thank you for playing toss the rings atop the tall coke bottles, where there's always a stuffed animal for a prize. Try again Sir? or please step back, there's other people trying to get in. [puts down carnival barker microphone] ZC1