Is there anything about the 06 Prius that would prevent somebody other than the dealer from performing an alignment? I'm getting ready to replace tires, and the dealer wants about half again as much to do the alignment, should it prove necessary (I'm almost of a mind to do it whether it's needed or not) as the local discount house where I plan to purchase the tires. /bs
For only 50% more I would use the dealer. That is you pay $30 instead of $20. For $10 is it worth knowing they did it right? Maybe the discount tyre fitter has a good wheel alignment guy but maybe it is just a tyre changing monkey who has a go.
Just replaced my ComforTreds (replaced OEM's at 10,000 miles) with new ComforTreds at 50,000 miles. Had the dealer do a 4-wheel alignment for $72. All is smooth and quiet; it's worth the peace of mind to have it done right!
US Toyota shops charge in the $70-90 range I guess. Any other that has the alignment table could be considered. If they can figure out how drive the Prius onto the jig, no other aspect is 'hybrid specific'. Always somewhat leery when reading that a Toyota shop did a 4-wheel alignment. Certainly they report 4-wheel specifications, but few would actually shim the rear (assuming it's required) because company policy runs otherwise.
I rent a second parking space from Firestone. They offer lifetime wheel alignment and wheel balancing packages. Combine that with discount coupons they periodically mail out or are sold on eBay and you can get a great deal (approx. $105 with coupon), especially if you plan on keeping the car for a significant period of time. I know some don't care for Firestone, but the center I deal with has been uniformly excellent to work with and has state of the art alignment equipment..
If you have a good tire dealer, there's nothing special about doing the alignment on a Prius, or really any other mass-market car. I had mine done by the tire shop when I replaced tires last week. Did it very professionally on a professional alignment table. They've done this for me on multiple cars and I have never had a problem. There's nothing special about the Toyota dealer for most purposes. (Which is to say anything other than the hybrid drive) Good quality independent shops, especially specialty shops for things like tires and brakes, are often far better than the dealers at their specialty. Don't get me wrong, if you're looking for an "el cheapo" job, you'll probably get what you pay for. My tire place charges me $25 to check alignment. If front alignment needed, $50. If front and rear, $75. Extra if any kind of shimming is needed. Last week I spent the $50. The impact that tore the tire sidewall apparently threw the front alignment off by .3 degree. Personally I will always prefer a reputable specialty shop (brakes, tires etc.) over the dealer when I need the specialty. They do the same job all day long every day.
Again, thanks for all the comments. Unfortunately, when I said "half again as much", I meant $80 for the Tire store (from whom I have bought several sets of tires for several different cars), and $120 for the Toyota dealer. Since so many of you are quoting half of what my dealer said, I'll have to check and see whether they assumed I wanted more than the alignment itself. I thought I was being pretty clear when I asked how much an alignment was.
BelowTheCrowd - On my 2007 Touring I'm thinking of replacing the OEM Bridgestone Turanza EL400-02's w the Potenza G019 Grid 195/55-16's you're running. Any tips? Handling? Gas mileage? Other issues? Thanks, Iko
Yes and no and no. In theory, the rear wheel alignment requires use of a special tool to adjust toe and camber. In practice, Toyota has some pretty wide specifications and nobody really does the rear wheels right. Also, front wheel camber is a bolt adjustment but nobody seems willing to do it. As for front caster, it remains a mystery. I bought my own rear wheel shim kits and have pretty good rear wheel toe and camber. The front right camber is a little off but I plan to fix it someday. Bob Wilson
I'm one who really really really abuses my prius. with my non stock tires and my agressive driving.. I'm rather suprised that my prius was not out of alignment. this is the 1st alignment i've ever had done and they simply told me it's within specs. I've looked at the sheet. It's not perfect.. but.. good. (maybe i'll dig up numbers later)
i had a free alignmet done at 15k miles i turned down alignment when i changed the tires out at 35k i wonder if i made a mistake