I have a 2005 prius, pkg #6 w/ nav system. The not to be ignored red ! came on with the nav system showing the headlight level alert. A dealer visit was not productive as they could only reset the alert. It happened again today. We revisit the dealer tomorrow. They say Toyota has no info about it. The car works fine. Nothing I can trace sets the alert off. I feel I am not alone with this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks! I went to the dealer, showed him your input, they replaced the sensor. No problems after ~ 300mi.http://priuschat.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif It's nice having experts around......and I don't mean the dealer!
I'm glad you got the problem fixed. It's amazing how we, focused on one car, can be so much more aware than some dealers with open access to all Toyota knowledge.
it isn't rocket science to make a weatherproof enclosure. Grr. I can't believe this is still happening on the '06's!
My impression is that six volts comes in on one side, an amount which is less than six volts comes out the other side without variation, and the signal coming out the center pin varies with the load in the back. I suspect that if the signal coming out the other side pin drops below a certain level the car assumes the sensor or a wire has failed in the open position, and if it goes up to a full six volts it assumes a short.