I am on a waiting list to get a 2008 Package 2 Prius. I am currently driving a 2006 Rav4 (an like the vehicle). Could someone please let me know how the Prius handled the Cental NY winters? I have heard that a Prius is actually cheaper to maintain than a "normal" vehicle, but worry about something going wrong electronically. Also, when selling/trading in my Rav4, I am able to keep my monthly payment for the Prius around around what I am paying now (but save $ each month in gas). Just wondering if getting rid of my Rav4 for a Prius is a smart move......any advice?
i had a 2003 rav4 that i sold for my prius and wish i'd have not done so too many reason to list but a couple are, rav had way more room and comfort especially for a 6'-0 male driver
I would stick with the Rav 4 only because it doesn't make money sense to move up to the Prius. Not enough payback. I have a Silverado but my wife bought the Prius. I LOVE that little car. It is fun to drive, I love filling it up for a fraction of what I pay for my truck. We are still waiting to see how it handles in the snow. I think it will be bad, there is little ground clearance. For fun of owning, and "fueling" that cheap streak in me at the pump, I would go with the Prius and damn the cost savings justification. Life is to short.
I feel the otherway on this issue. I sold my 2001 pathfinder and Bought the 08 prius pkg 2. I love my prius. I have a ton of room in the front and even the back. I am 6'4" 205 lbs. I live in Northern NJ and I have found that the prius does fine in the snow. Just don't try to plow through snowbanks or anything dangerous like that. The tires have slipped alittle on me in Ice but the ABS makes up for it. You may however want to get winter tires for it anyway.(the stock ones are alright but not the best, however I still have the stock ones on) Buying the Prius and selling my Pathfinder was the greatest choice I have made (vehicle wise). However I have never drove a Rav4 so I don't know about it's good attributes. But I feel that you will love the prius if you end up going through with the purchase.