tideland pearl? (the gold one), #7, 11/22/03, Ithaca, NY

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by bc, Mar 11, 2004.

  1. bc

    bc New Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    upstate NY
    Ordered 11/22/03
    Bill Cooke Toyota, Ithaca, NY
    Given the due date of middle-end of February
    Driftwood pearl? the gold color, but told saleswoman I would consider other colors as well (except black)
    I was #17 on the list on 11/22/03

    The saleswoman who sold me the car called me about 3 weeks ago, very excited, and told me I was next on the list and she would get back to me with details after she talked to Toyota about their shipment. After 2 weeks she hadn't called back so I called last Friday to ask what was up. I got the sales manager who told me it would be another 30 days. I said I was surprised since Erin had said I was next on the list. He said "She shouldn't have told you that" and then said there were 2 people ahead of me. So, what is going on? Are they sticking to the list or moving people around on a whim??
  2. randalla

    randalla Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    Lexington, SC
    2012 Prius v wagon
    If you haven't already done so, you might want to consider talking to other dealers and getting your name added to their list in case your current situation with your dealer bombs out.
  3. cybele

    cybele New Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles
    The lists are very difficult to manage, as you'll see from the postings around here. People are so flexible with packages and colors, sometimes it's hard to know who is first for what.

    But it's always good to have options and have a very specific talk with your dealer about how they manage their list. Some dealers just offer every car to each person down the list. Others offer it to the first closest match. Many folks end up with packages or color compromises.

    If you're willing to travel a bit, try calling around to other dealers in your area and seeing if there are any unclaimed cars. The #9 (BC) package is the most popular, so you might have some luck with the #7.
  4. bc

    bc New Member

    Mar 11, 2004
    upstate NY
    Accepted #6 gold Prius. Will pick up 3/15/04.

    Thanks for all your suggestions! Believe it or not, the same day I posted this thread the dealership called and told me my Prius was in. I had to settle for the #6 package, but I got the right color. I will be picking it up on Monday Mar 15th! So about 4 months from order to delivery, but seems I didn't get the most popular package. After talking to my salesperson in depth, it was revealed that there were actually 3 people ahead of me, all waiting for the #9 package. I don't know for sure, but suspect that when those three turned down the cars that didn't match their package, the cars were subsequently offered to those whose request most closely matched their original order rather than the next in line.
  5. hedwig

    hedwig New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    Orlando, FL

    I've noticed that people who come in here complaining about how they've been jerked around by a dealership and name that dealership seem to get their cars pretty soon after - is it too optimistic of me to think that the dealerships see these posts and want to avoid their name being mentioned as one of the "mean" dealerships?