Is there any way to have search results (mostly the "unread posts" variety, but possibly also per-user or "today's posts") ignore one or more forums? (Any pedants who point out that it should probably be "fora" can now express themselves. Thank you.) In particular, I'd like to ignore FHOP. I already ignore the politics sub-forum because I did not join that group; but I'd like to ignore the top-level FHOP as well. I know about the "ignore user" functionality, but I couldn't find any "ignore forum" version. Any tips would be welcome. Thanks!
Not at this time. Danny's looking at a couple options and there will likely be an option available with a premium subscription.
In the User CP I subscribe to the 3 forums that I'm most interested in reading. Whn I go into PC I read my subscribed threads, then skim the most recent threads of my subscribed forums and after that is when I click on "unread posts" to see if any other thread titles look interesting. This way I don't feel as though I'm missing anything without getting too bogged down in the off-topic stuff.
I too would like this feature. I'm relatively new and this is an AMAZINGLY active group. I can see that I will quickly get overwhelmed with too many things and likely just have to give up. Being able to pair it down to a more manageable set would make it more likely I would keep coming back. On the very active point, I would love to see statistics about number of posts, reads and unique IPs that visit the site. Is that kind of data available to us "outsiders?"
It's not that active of a group. Just do what I do and spend three or four hours a day reading PC. Tom