You're right. Not the place. `but as I have grown progressively more impatient waiting for this Japanese car, I have thought it was my punishment for not buying American. Reminding myself that it was not just gas prices, but also the uncertainty as to whether my car was made by American workers (unionized or otherwise), that proved the tipping point for me. Many of us were raised "Buy American, the job you save may be your own." But when American companies outsource continually, they will no longer be able to count on automatic patriotic preference for their products. Cranky after salesman saying he'd call back in a few minutes with definite news about whether I'd get one. Two hours ago. This reminds me of those anguished college evenings lurking near the phone pre anwering machine, HOPING that that certain person might call....
Great advice! Many thanks. probably too late for this dealership, but when I get on a six month waitlist somewhere else it might help. SIGH.
"Buy American" doesn't really hold a lot of weight these days when it comes to automobiles. Quite a few Fords use parts from and are assembled in Mexico, whereas my Tacoma (and I'm sure my Prius will be as well) was built 5 miles away from me at an East Bay California Toyota plant. So, aside from the name, when I purchase my Prius I AM buying American and supporting workers based in the U.S. of A. Also, there has been one little thing that has been bothering me after reading through some of these threads with regards to "2nd color choice". Quite a few people here talk about how their dealer contacted them letting them know that their "2nd" choice color and package is in, and yet that choice is always different from person to person. With that reasoning intact, wouldn't you be more likely to get your #1 color choice if you listed it as your #2 choice? That doesn't seem like it makes a lick of sense, considering the color and package frequency is variable from dealer to dealer. One dealer might get in more Dark Grey Metallic than another and so forth. I don't know, I just find it amusing when a number of people are receiving their second choice.
Leslie, Any luck getting your Vin # or better yet, your new Prius? From hearing these posts it sounds like its getting to be a very tight market. Terry
I got my vin number last friday, my car....a package 6 spectra blue touring should be on mondays truck.......june 23rd......wait was one month......two different dealers were looking for me......of course the one farest from me had the car.....its a five hour pick it up, but i dont care......its worth it! I cant wait to drive it home!
Here's a trick if you don't want to be fancy... You know how they tell you that the base model is only 8% of production and they steer you away from them? Guess what... if they steer 96% of people away from them, then you have double the chance of getting what you want out of that 8% in 1/2 the time. I went ON the list as #1... they said they talk EVERYONE out of the base. Hope to see it soon!
Got a call from the dealer. He says I'll have my car "sometime next month." I'll believe it when I'm in it.
I got a call two weeks ago targeting the first half of July, so I'd say you're probably looking at the second half. Assuming neither of us is being fed a line...
New Here Just Joined after lurking for awhile, mine is due in about third week of July, I hade to wait a while longer for I wanted the Green one put money down Ist of May, just all heck broke out on this car really getting excited now for when I get it
Well...I'm a former waiting list member now... I almost can't believe it. I finally got a hold of a Base Model Pkg #5 in Classic Silver (not my first choice...but more waiting right?). I got stuck with their obligatory "extra mile" stuff for another grand...but otherwise I paid flat sticker. Here's hoping that my family and I see many great years of green utility out of this car...and I'm pulling for each and every one of you that are still in waiting...
To everyone waiting on a long list I say hang in there. I ordred mine two weeks before Memorial Day and was told 2 months + -. Expecting a long wait I resigned myself to be patient. 10 days later I received a call that my car had arrived. I've had it a month now and it's a great vehicle -54 mpg each time I fill up. The dealers are not quite sure when they will arrive. It's better to give a long date and have the car arrive early then a short date and explain the delay. David
DH and I aren't exactly on a waiting list since our dealer is on a "First come, First serve" basis but I wanted to post here to say Hi! We've made a down payment for a guaranteed '08 Onyx Black #6 that's in their next allocation which is due to arrive in a few weeks. I'm having fun doing some research on here even though it's going to be my hubby's car! I can't wait to get the little guy and post pictures. Good luck to all of you as you wait for your Prii!
well.. the fire in belly has only been fueled by the phone call update I received last night and it went "Janice?!" - Bob Fogarty "Yes??" - Me, not really sure who was calling me. "This is Bob Fogarty" - Bob "Yesssss????" Me, now know who and why this person is calling (or atleast hoping I knew) "How are you this evening?" - Bob "Fine." - Me, wanting Bob to get down to the business "Good... - - - - - - - (pauseeeeee) Well how would you like to have a Prius?!"- Bob "I would LOVE THAT!" - Me, thinking does he really have to ask?!?!?!?! "Well I have the package you requested and your second color choice." - Bob "Sweeeeeeeet!" Me, totally stoked. So today I put down the $$ and on/around the 15th of July a Super White Prius I shall have! yayyyy
Long time lurker, first time poster My current car is a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee that gets just over 14 MPG. Obviously with the unbelievable jump in gas prices I became very interested in joining the Prius family. On June 9 I placed a $200 deposit at a local dealership here and also expressed my interest in buying to 3 or 4 other dealerships that did not require deposits but placed me on their waiting lists. Last Thursday I received a call from a dealership I didn't have a deposit with letting me know of a Prius coming within the next two weeks in Spectra Blue Mica and option package #5, my first choice in both color and package, and asked me if I was interested. About a millisecond later I told him I was and placed a deposit over the phone to hold the car for me. I should receive the VIN number in the next couple of days and be driving my very own Prius within the next week and a half!! I've already received the refund for the one deposit I gave and I couldn't believe how easy that process was. All I can do now is read this message board on a daily basis to satisfy my craving for information about every aspect of this awesome car. I'll be sure to post pics of my new baby just as soon as I bring it home from the dealership at the end of next week. Thanks to all on this board for all the great information you give regarding all aspects of the Prius lifestyle!!