I had my shiny Classic Silver Pkg #6 for all of 2 hours, was showing my wife around the interior when I noticed an odd sound outside, but ignored it. Went around back a few mins later and found my beloved 4 yr old daughter drawing on the right side of the car behind the passenger door... with a rock. OMG - I felt so sick to my stomache Anyway, so I picked up some Nu Finish Scratch Remover, it didn't work which tells me the scratch is below the clearcoat and will require either touchup paint or a professional re-painting. I lack any skill with painting and would likely only make it look worse, any ideas what it might cost to have that section repainted? Would taking it to the dealer be a bad idea as opposed to cost vs. local paint shop? -Andy
OMG,, I am sick to my stomach reading the post and it is not even my car.... so I can only imagine how you are feeling right now.. how much restraint did it take not to strangle the 4yr old . I'd be really upset cause by 4 they should know better about taking rocks and drawing on cars.. but such is life.. I hope you can find a good paint shop to do the touch up, I think the dealer would soak you for more money than it would actually cost to repair. Care to post any pics of the damage?? BTW,, congrats on the new Prius, once you get over this stomach wretching problem, you will be very happy with your new Prius!!!!!
Aren't kids wonderful? A dealer is only going to add their markup, so you're probably better off looking for a paint shop. It's pretty difficult to estimate the cost without seeing the damages, but you should be able to get a few quotes without too much running around.
before repainting, may want to try a good rubbing compound. The nufinish (sracth remover) is not really a compound. 3m makes a good one. You would be suprised as to what it can take out. Wetting 1500 grit sandpaper and "wet sanding" can remove more simple scratches, then buff the shine back with compound. Not hard to do, but scary if you have never done it before. Any shop could try "wet sand and buff" for your prior to painting. May be worth a shot. Best luck
Try Maaco. They can paint only that one panel, and they'll get the exact paint from Toyota to do it. It costs a bit more than just "guesstimating color" but at least it will be right. And spank the 4 year old. :faint:
I am attaching a picture I just took to give you an idea... At least she managed to make the area nice and big as well as deep enough to rip through the clearcoat... Not sure what got into her, most likely because mommy and I were not paying her attention. -Andy
HOLY CRAP!!! That's some pretty serious drawing (gouging) there... So did the 4yr old get a spanking or at least a good verbal lashing...
Oh yeah, a little of every form of discipline we practice... She should have no doubts now that drawing on cars (or anything other than paper in fact) will mean bad times for her...
As you can scratch (feel) the scratches, looks like it is through the clear coat. Bummer. I would get some reccomendations from folks (body shops) to get a quote before you call your insurance carrier. They may be able to wet/buff some of the damage. Problem with painting is, will paint the quarter and most likely have to blend the door. Adds up quickly. Best of luck again, sucks now, but one day when she is older everyone will sit back and laugh at this one.............any other time kids draw a picture we are thrilled, just not when it is on your car.
Yeah, was afraid so... Anyone have first-hand experience with a rough estimate of what it might cost to repaint that section, or lets say the whole right side for a worst case scenario?
Ouch, it sucks... Expect to pay less than your deductable ($500) for the re-paint job.... Or you just do nothing and leave the marks there as a reminder for your kid not to do it again.
The scratches are especially visible because the edges of the scratch are sharp. You can make them a lot less visible by polishing with an abrasive polish that rounds off the edges of the scratch, and then use a polish or glaze, or a sealant/wax with a lot of fillers. The scratches will still be there, but they'll be harder to see, possibly to the point where you decide a repaint is unnecessary.
Dang, sorry to hear that happened. I would have simultaneously fainted and panicked hearing/seeing that happen to my Blue4! Good opportunity to teach a life lesson to the 4 year old - could be a future artist! Don't you dare spank that creativity out of her. A smart enough adult never needs to spank(ever) to get a good point across. .
I'd be upset, but not for more than a moment. I'd have to -firmly- discuss with her why a rock is simply a rock, not to be used as a pencil, not to be thrown at people. I would also discuss that the damage she has caused will require Daddy/Mommy to go to work to pay for the damage. I would also ask her "what made her do that"? After the -firm- discussion, I would hug her, kiss her and reassure her that Daddy and Mommy still loves her very much. I'm merely telling you what I would have done. (I didn't read all the posts, so I don't know what you did) Oh, the paint... yeah, just get it color matched and repainted. The best part of this event is still with you. ZC1
Maaco is at the lowest of the low end paint shops. If you want quality work, I suggest you not go there. And Toyota does not sell refinish paint. OEM paint (where the car body can be baked prior to putting the plastic on) and refinish paint (where the chemistry requires ambient cure) are totally different animals. Try some real buffing compound, then refinish if that does not work. Sounds like you may only have to touch up the clearcoat, which avoids a lot of the color match issues.