Seeing how there is a Super White Prius Club, a Barcelona Red Prius Club, a Silver Pine Mica Club, a Spectra Blue Prius Club, and a Black Prius Club, it's only fair we should have a Classic Silver Prius Club too. I'm on the waiting list for a silver TE Prius. I can't wait!!!
Does Silver Strata Metallic count? I attached two photos of my 2001, and would like to become an honorary member of the club since I recently sold that vehicle.
We are in also, just picked ours up yesterday. Will post picks after I detail & wax it tomorrow. Will take pix and post when I am done with it. Picked it up with only 3 miles on it. WoooHooo
I actually didn't like silver as a color choice at all before I bought the Prius mainly because it was such a common color for any car at that time. Silver was the only choice I could get, so I ended up with Silver. It didn't take long before I fell in love with the color though. Now it seems just right. Here's my Rupert:
Waiting on my Silver Touring. WOW what a Great looking Prius in that first post. What custom body package is that? Fred
I've had my classic silver now for almost 2 months. Love the car! My only concern is this recent tank of gas. I filled up with one "pip" left, put 8.032 gallons in the car. I am down to three "pips" this morning and already have 276 miles on the tank. My last tank was 435 before this fill-up. MFD is showing 49.5 MPG, but that was through doing some very good hypermiling to get it there. This will be my worst tank. I am hoping this is just some bad gas/a fluke and not anything abnormal.
This is a Classic Silver Prius thread, not a gas tank thread. Post a pic of your car, not your recent fill up.:argue:
Yeah, a silver "club"..... and I got mine last week. Some of you have some great wheels.... hmmmm :eyebrows:
Im my first official order of business I need to establish a "slush fund" for the club. Please send all donations to me. That is all for now, thanks
I definaltly like it better with the wheel covers on. Without them they just look unfinished. Otherwise great looking car, looks like mine without tint.