It's seems that Spectra Blue and Silver Pine Mica and Barcelona Red have all the fun around here! Where is the Black Prius love? I couldn't find the Black Prius Club! Post pictures of your Black Prius! (The funny thing is, is that I was debating between Black and Silver Pine Mica when I was buying my car, and I wish I had gone with SPM after having chosen the Black, oh well!) Here is my ride!
hmm dont have any new pics, but i took this the first week. On crap 5 year old 3m camera. I wish now i had picked Silver. Like black, it looks good after a wash and wax..but time!
i bet you guys don't get waved at either yesterday at work someone with another prius parked directly next to my prius and wouldn't even talk to me because mine was a black touring, and i guess my 7 spoke alloy rims or the larger spoiler put him to shame, i do not know. i swear theres some racial profiling going on with black prius owners, its like waving a friendly hello to Darth Vader i suppose
lol naw i think people are just fed up with life in general. I ride my Cannondale around here sometimes, and out at red rock a couple of times a week..and get many waves from more serious cyclist(little do they know i smoke and only ride 2-3 days a week, could be the tights) are just done...they are like the mule or horse...we need a revolution.
Hey guys, don't get bummed out. It's not you, it's them. The solution is to say it loud, your PRIUS is black and you're PROUD! Just stay focused and get the message out. Let people know what you drive, even when you are not driving your hot, black PRIUS: Black PRIUS boutique (for owners of Black PRII only!) ARTSY BLACK PRIUS ARTSY BOUTIQUE! : hybridstuff :
I always park next to other Prii when I can. And I always get more looks from cyclists and people in general when I have bikes and canoes/kayaks on my car. But I never get waves or even a glance form other drivers of Black Prius.
what if i was thinking about doing a reverse micheal jackson on my car? going from white to black... could i still be in the club? haha... i also noticed that the black prius owners i see in traffic seem a bit more snobby than others, ive noticed the barcelona red seems to be the most outgoing, and the green color seem to be the most oblivious. just my personal experience
I'm in! My first day driving, got a honk from a fellow black Prius, since then nothing. Maybe TOuring throwing them off a bit.
Love the tint, that's next on my list. Can I ask what % that is on fronts and rears? It looks perfect.
To be honest I don't really know as the car came like that. But to give you some idea, the darkest legal tint in my state is 35% and I have had that on a previous vehicle and it's quite similar.
. I'm jealous of you guys. Black was my 1st choice, but to no avail, I got Spectra Blue(shhh, don't tell them I'm in here) as a close second. Have you seen Treehggr's blacked out Prii? It's SO good looking. Here's mine: Enjoy your black Prii you lucky bums! Maybe my next one will be Negro!
I don't mind the look of the blacked out tail lights however where I live this is illegal so I will just have to settle with the regulars. pre tint after first tint don't have a daytime shot of the windshield tint job. makes a world of difference. at home, the day we got the title free and clear in the mail... blame the blurriness on DH
i see vastly better in the sunlight, and oncoming headlights don't blind me anymore. i wouldn't call that dangerous, just illegal for the majority of the population.
I'll add some more of mine! Loaded up for a recent camping trip. With a Saris Bones bike rack. Next to some "Bio Defense" Hummer, ha! Another Prius in the neighborhood. Just rained on.