i have an '04 prius and i looked at the threads and i couldnt find anything pertaining to all my cars "symptoms". the interior lights arent working, the radio isnt working, the fuel gauge isnt working, the trip on the screen isnt working, the keyless entry isnt working, and the clock resets and is really dim every time i start the car. i checked the fuse inside the car and its fine, the fuse for the audio etc under the hood is labeled in the owners manual, its under the clear hard plastic cover and im not familar with that type of fuse. is that the fuse that needs to be replaced? i deliver in the car on the weekends and its torture not being able to listen to the radio/mp3 player while im driving. everything else is functioning properly. any feedback would be helpful. thanks
Dead lead-acid 12v battery appears to be a likely problem... Are you sure your able to start the car? I'd suggest getting the "regular" battery tested, NOT the hybrid battery, the regular one.
Why don't you take it to your dealer and ask them? If you have an extended warranty, it should still be good.
the car starts fine everytime. the battery was replaced a couple months ago when my gf accidently turned on all the accessories when she was charging her cell phone. $300 for a full cell phone battery is kind of steep!
yea its an '04 and it has... get ready... close to 94,000 miles and its warranteed untill 100,000 miles. its been like this for about a week, and i was trying to get some answers with other members that maybe had this problem, its our only car, so any downtime in the shop would be difficult, but yea, i should take it by and ask them if no other solutions come up. thanks
I suggest you look for the DOME fuse in particular, remove it, and inspect to see if it has popped. Note that 2G Prius has two fuse boxes: the main box is next to the driver's side fender near the inverter while the other box is near the steering column under the instrument panel. If the DOME fuse is OK, you should remove and inspect every other fuse, one at a time.
thank you for the feedback, ill do that when my gf gets home, are the fuses under the clear plastic under the fuse panel in the engine hard to replace, if one of those are the problem?
I would take it right to the dealer and have them figure out what is wrong before the extended warranty runs out. They'll probably be able to determine the problem very quickly. I'm not a technical type so I would not even bother trying to figure it out myself, but that is just me, I know lots of people get into fixing the cars and trying to figure out what is wrong, but I don't have the mechanical mind to worry about those things, I would freak if I got a flat tire