i have read alot of your posts and used put your advice to practice in the past 2 days. my mpg has gone up 2 miles half way through a tank! thats a pretty signifigant jump so here is how im driving.... i try to get to whatever the speed limit is asap, then put the car into cruise control. thats it. i drive the same routes most of the time so i know when stops and turns are. using the B function i slow the car down and then just reset the cruise to the speed i want. the only thing that im wondering is if this may have any bad effects on the car. any one know? thanks for all your feedback.
I would not use B except on a steep hill. Just use gentle pressure on the brake or better yet anticipate and just coast to a stop when you can. There are times when such behavior will pixx people off so my advice is use judgement. I will sacrifice a few tents of a m.p.g. for that. People rushing around and driving aggressively cause accidents and you might get involved and your baby would get hurt. Not good. I have begun to learn when I am going "over the top" in traffic. Too bad everyone does not drive like a Prius driver. I think every car should have a MFD in their face giving them the information we have plus lifetime m.p.g.! It should be a law.
I would not get to speed "as quickly as [you] can". 'Brisk' acceleration (around 50-75% throttle) seems to be a good point to shoot for. If the terrain is relatively flat then hitting cruise, as you do, is a pretty good idea. Greater efficiency can, later, be achieved on rolling or hilly terrain by learning to feather the pedal and 'glide' at times...but that's advanced stuff. My big issue is with your use of B mode....I think that is a bad choice b/c of the potential for being rear ended as well as the fact that it is not the most efficient way to stop. It is better to anticipate stops well before you get to the stopping place, turn off your cruise and glide to the stop point gradually braking without the friction brakes....and ultimately if you can anticipate the stops well you can try to avoid stopping altogether! If you can keep moving, albeit slowly, until traffic moves again you'll really become more efficient. Keep at it, took me a good 7-10k miles to get 'good'.
efusco have we lost your 4 stages of Prius driving. Repost it was truly an incite in to the development of the technique of driving of the Prius.
I used B mode the last couple of days in slow'n'go traffic. It's like having a stick shift but with a stall clutch. It's a lot easier than heel-and-toe since the pedals don't quite line up for that. I used to have to brake and accelerate and that gets tiring in traffic! B mode, if used gently, solves the problem of blending in without having to brake, and I regenerate. My ankle/calf are no longer sore!
i don't accelerate briskly. nowhere near 50%. i would say more around 40%. electric up to about 17mph.. and electric tends to kick in back around 40 if cruising light enough. if you drive like me, you must piss a lot of people off. not because you're passing them either. I thought i would be happy with whatever mpg i achieved after getting a tank with about 60mpg.. nope.. new wheels are causing me 43. grr. my technique is to take it easy and cruise. at most times never use the brakes. It's a clear indicator that i accelerated too hard, wasting gas. use "no arrows" going down a hill slows you down normally but now arrows keep syou at the same speed or allows you to coast faster. no arrow between lights after electric acceleration. i'm a very good driver. I just have a speedy side to me that's trying to die off... slowly.. very slowly. great traction with these new tires really are not helping.
i dont accelerate "briskly"... i actually plan my drive to only accelerate on the downhill slopes, some of which are very steep causing a rapid rise in speed... but seriously though, i dont think B mode is a good idea either. i think it is only designed for steep downhills where brakes might be overheated. for a brief period of time last summer, i tried to use B mode for all my braking needs to see if it made a difference in my mileage. it didnt seem to change anything and it was harder to gauge when B mode should be engaged. also in many cases, coasting for several blocks gave better mileage anyways since most of the time extended coasting only reduced my time waiting at the light.
Hey Evan.... how do you get such good numbers? I've been a prius driver for almost 2 years and I can't touch your numbers. I'm in Los Angeles so weather isn't much of a factor for me. I try to be as efficient as possible. I try to get up to speed and then maintain my speed, with cruise control if possible. I often will try to anticipate stops, so I can coast or use the brake pedal lightly. I do mostly city driving... maybe 70% city 30% freeway. I usually go 70 on the freeway (to keep up with LA traffic. Do you go slower on the freeway? In the city.. I do have a large hill to deal with every day. But going down I can pretty much coast all the way down... so that should help right? I check my tire pressure every few weeks. I run it a little higher than spec. 38front/36rear. I don't really haul anything extra in my car. My numbers in my '04 prius... Average around 48MPG (computer calculated). I'm at 19000 miles. Would love to get your feedback... or some suggestions. thanks, Peter
b mode is such a drag!! like they say up north fagetabout it! if you are slip sliding down a hill great other than that refer to sentence number 1. i like brisk acceleration (especially since my engine is nicely broken in at 10,000 miles) to slightly past the speed i want. then i slightly lift and watch the instantanious mileage go to 99 mph. even though we are vastly superior to the common little people, never, never, never drive at a speed that interferes with the traffic around you. neither too slow nor too fast a prius travelor be (hey a rhyme!! 8) )
dontcheff, it's a "you" tag, it shows your name in the code. I run 42/40 or 40/38 psi. I accelerate moderately and use my cruise, and keep my speeds < 75mph. I can easily average 51-52mpg per tank on my mostly freeway commute. Also take note that CA gas may result in poorer mileage due to the additives for emissions requirements. Then again, we have most of those here in Phoenix as well.
Top 'o the Mornin', Dr. Fusco..... I can't imagine how I got "honored" by being quoted regarding getting up to speed.... but thanks. Evan, I DO much appreicate your informative posts, keep up the good work! I usually start with accellerator at about 50% until I reach the desired cruising speed (IF you could call it cruising in city), then either lightly feather the accellerator or, conditions permitting, engage Cruise Control. I do love the accuracy of the Prius Cruise Control.... usually within 1 MPH of the set speed. As had been posted numerous times, Cruise Control does a lot better job of fuel economy than my nervous foot.
I don't drive on the freeway very often...less than a half-dozen times a year. I do go 70-75 when I am on the freeway, but pay the price in lower mpg. I have two main commutes: 1)~3 miles each way to my kids' daycare and home again. Speed never exceeds 45mph and about half is at 30-35mph. I usually get around 35mpg for the first 5 minutes, can usually regain my starting tank mpg by the time I get to the daycare. Going home my first 5 min. bar is usually around 50mpg since the ICE is already warm....I can often get home with a better starting mpg than I started the morning with (if the weather is OK) even though the total commute is only 6-7 miles. 2)To work is about 12 miles. About 1/3rd is 60mph hwy and I stick to the limit except when going downhill and I let gravity give me a speed gain. The first 5 miles is much like my commute #1 above--speed around 40mph. The middle third is the 60mph zone. the last third is city with speeds of 35-40mph again. In good weather I can easily achive 55mpg and even in sub-37 degree weather I can get close to 50mpg most of the time. My secret?...much like I described above. I don't dawdle at lights when taking off and am often a bit ahead of traffic for 1/4-1/2 mile...then they catch and pass me as I level off speed. I maximize gliding when that is an option (downhills). I really anticipate stops and have several where I'll begin a glide as much as 1/2 mile before the actual stop light knowing that I'll carry decent speed while using no gas and hopefully won't have to use the brakes at all if traffic begins moving before I get there. I really know the timing of most of the lights along my commute now and I can anticipate when they'll turn. It also doesn't hurt that I rarely need to go over 55-60mph. I don't think I do anything to really upset other drivers. There is a 35mph zone that I usually go 40 in but have people tailgateing me b/c folks typically go 45-50 mph there, but otherwise I'm courteous, stay in the right hand lane, if all traffic is moving along I'll stay with it to avoid backing everyone up behind me (rare). One strategy is to avoid the little green cars on the consumption screen...the more of those you see the more braking you're doing.
For once I agree! Regarding use of B mode that is. As for my driving I will be going much slower now. I heard on the news this am that MA has lots of new laser guns! I can't afford all the speeding tickets you folls must get. As for my acceleration techniques keep in mind that when I do it slow on electric I am trying to get good mileage not just 50 to 60 mpg. I can accelerate any which way and get over 50 mpg except in our cold weather where nothing much helps. The car will do most of what is needed automatically for you in spite of what you read here.
Damn you command! My mom's mpg is so much better than mine. She speeds, uses cruise in the city, rides the rear bumper of the person in front of her & brakes very last minute. So my advice, drive poorly and you'll achieve the perfect mpg! (Not really, but I'm at a loss) :?
I use it on long trips & on the interstate, but in the city it's hard with all the stop and go traffic. As for feathering, I suck at it so I've given up on it... and with braking, I can't determine whether or not I should brake last minute or start braking early? Either way, I need a Prius driving coach I think. My mom swears she doesn't know what she's doing that I'm not.
So you slapped on nice wheels and tires, I'm guessing +1 or +2 sized, and you lost what, 10 MPG? That is *not* acceptable, I don't care how good the tires are. Even with my winter tires, I only lost 4 MPG. I'm willing to give up that for much improved traction on snow/ice, but to *always* lose the fuel economy like you are??