2007 Red std. Prius with package #7 (i.e. the works). Tires are stock Integrities at 43/41. Took a road trip from NJ to Lake Placid NY so wife could run that Sundays marathon and kids and I could hike, canoe and otherwise enjoy a weekend. Set EEC to 56MPH for the entire trip up, biggest issue was the social pressure of those *inside* the car to go faster as even the old man in a walker was blowing by us. By the time we got off the highway I was at 61.2 MPG. Getting to Lake Placid required going up in elevation and mountainous roads which brought the milage down to 58.7MPG over the trip. On the way back I filled up with E10 well into the trip, and ended up at 58.4 MPG for the way back. Overall I'm pleased with the milage on this road trip, the Prius got great milage filled with two adults, two kids and luggage for 3 days. Rumple
Thanks! I was happy that I got the 58.4 MPG on the way back to NJ even with a good 1/2 of the return leg in a torrential down pour, and stopping for 30 minutes in traffic (MFD showed no yellow at all - a first!) and using E10 gas. I suspect I would have cracked 60 MPG on the return leg with those challenges. Rumple
That's great mileage, it was worth getting your doors blown off by a man on walker. I completed a 2600 mile trip two weeks ago, and probably averaged about 52mpg for the trip. I mostly cruised at speed limit (70-75), and had a couple of high mountain passes at about 10,600 ft to deal with. Wouldn't like to do that a lot; purple battery city. Pri didn't miss a beat the whole trip.
70-75 and still got 52???????????? wow.. I can't break away from 39-42mpg no matter how i drive. 50,60, hard, normal, soft, ac, no ac.... i wish i knew what's up with my Pri!!
I wish I got more than 58 MPG at 70 MPH but, alas, I was driving at 56 MPH the whole trip. My wife was unhappy with the slow speed on the way up but once she saw the high NY gas prices (NJ is cheaper than NY for gas and they pump it for you by law) she was on board with the gas savings for the return leg. Next time you have a highway trip, stay at 55 MPH and save gas! Rumple
The 52 was the average for the entire trip. The 70-75mph portion it was closer to 49, but level/flat driving was closer to 56, and the majority was with no A/C. Your experience of 39-42, seems low, and hard to determine why without details. Considering Florida (relatively warm and flat), something must be amiss.
That's great. I know what you mean by the "social pressure". 56mph can feel pretty slow at times. On our last trip, I drove 70-75 for the most part, and averaged just over 48. But lately, I've been averaging 67mpg on my trip to work and back. It's awesome what this car can do.
i just did a 476 mile road trip and had the cruise set at 68. Intersting though as i passed a few of those radar signs that record speed it was always 2 mph lower than what i set the cruise at. I averaged 51.7. i just put new tires on 500 miles ago. they are american platinum which is a cooper tire brand. 65.00 each. i probably sacrificed a mile per gallon but the integrities were just to scary on wet roads.
Yesterday, on a trip of about 140 miles, my wife complained incessantly about how slow I was going ...about 64 mph EEC. ... E10 fuel ... 50.1mpg ... some hilly stretches ... I'm not at all unhappy with the performance. Touring 2008 #2 ...6K miles. 42/40 in the tires.
You might try drafting... Your next time out on a road trip and traffic isn't bad. try setting your cruise to just slightly faster than car up ahead. Now watch your MFD's realtime mpg, you should notice as you approach other vehicles your mpg will increase. I've notice with larger lead vehicles I'll see a couple of sweet spots. One will be around 100 feet and the other will be real close (unsafe). It would be neat to have a radar like gadget you could set that would control distance with faster reaction time. You could then form trains on the highway.
This is fine if you own a crash repair shop. If you don't like stone chips in your bonnet don't draft. Stay 2 or more seconds back from any vehicle in front of you. That is at 55 miles per hour (about 90km/h) you need to be about 170 feet (about 50 metres) or more behind the vehicle in front. On a single lane each way road you should maintain atleast this gap to allow trucks to overtake.