I listed this in the another thread and then realized that maybe the topic warranted a thread of it's own. Here is a list of questions that I should of asked the Toyota dealership before putting a deposit down on a Prius. Can anyone add to the list? 1. What number of Prii with package "x" (the package and color you are looking for) does your dealership typically get in with each allocation? It does no good to put a deposit down with a dealership for a package 4, and be #1 on the list, if the dealership doesn't typically order that package from Toyota. 2. What percentage of incoming Prii are distributed to the waiting list? 3. How are the Prii on your waiting list collected; by salesperson's name, by date deposit was taken, by package number, etc.? 4. How are the Prii on waiting list distributed? For example: If I'm next on your list and my request is for a package 2 Prius in Black, Magnetic Gray or silver, and a Seaside blue package 2 comes in, do I get a call or do you go down the list to the first person who is on the waiting list for a Seaside blue? 5. If I put a deposit down and after 60 days, I'm still on the waiting list, will you refund my deposit? 6. I would suggest calling your dealer every allocation date, to let him/her know that you are still interested in a Prius and if your requirements have changed (maybe you're now open to a different exterior or interior color).
I would ask about "dealer and doc fees" as well. Turns out that these ranged from $99 to $700 depending on the dealer in the area.
The dealer can "trade" allocations. So if he is allocated a Package 3, he can trade to get the Package 4, from the pier.
Given the current state of supply and demand, does anyone have any idea how successful dealers have been in "trading" their allocations? I received notice the middle of last week that my dealer was allocated one car (mine). Since the car hasn't been issued a VIN yet (AFAIK) but only allocated, would he be able to get in on any trading? Should I even bother asking, given that I got 2 of my 3 choices (Mag Gray, Pkg 2, but not Touring)? I could be flexible on color if he could find a Touring 2. Also, can the dealers trade outside of their region (e.g. Ohio w/ California)? Greg
I think the only pertinent question relating to my purchase would be question #5, maybe #4. I'd ask more stupid stuff like: Am I going to get the package I want? Am I going to pay an arm and a leg for it? Can I pay under MSRP? What extras will you (can you) throw in? Are there any new owner's events or classes I can attend? Tell me how DIY maintenance is viewed at this dealership? Are you going to try to sell me stuff I don't want, just so you make quotas? Is there anything you remember that I should know before I leave the parking lot? Can I talk to your Prius expert technician, asking him questions or have him go over the car with me? Can you show me how to jump start the car using the under hood attachments? You get the idea. (I think some of the questions the OP listed are unnecessary and unuseful. Example question #1 (among others) Sorry, but if you ORDER a package #4 and you are #1 on the list, regardless if your dealer doesn't regularly order that particular package, you are going to get that package, cause they ordered it. What idiot would put down money on a car that the dealer could not order and what idiot dealer would accept a deposit from a customer for a car they will not order? On the same note, what person would order a particular package that the dealer says may take 6 months to get, if the person didn't want to wait that long? Anyways, you're free to ask any question you like. ZC1
I swear I'm not following you ZC1. LOL But I do agree with ZC1's input. And in the asking questions theme, here's my 2cents... Don't be timid to ask questions to your salesman as well as ask for extras, like washing/detailing the Prii for free after purchase, asking for extra touch up paint to take home after purchase, asking for 10 free oil changes, etc.... you know, little things that you'd like and that the dealership can give away (even as Prii are in a sellers market). Ask away. You will be surprised what you'll get a yes to.
To Chris, Chris, I find the questions, except #5 and possibly #4 a bit overly intrusive. It seems the next question is: "And Mr. Dealer, just exactly how much money per allocation are you making on this deal"? I'll play the part of the answering dealer here. 1. What number of Prii with package "x" (the package and color you are looking for) does your dealership typically get in with each allocation? Dealer: There is no typical order, it varies as much as the customer who come in here, and for what particular reason are you asking, sir? 2. What percentage of incoming Prii are distributed to the waiting list? Dealer: All of them, otherwise we wouldn't have a waiting list, no? I fail to see the point of your question, could you rephrase? 3. How are the Prii on your waiting list collected; by salesperson's name, by date deposit was taken, by package number, etc.? Dealer: Could you rephrase this? Collected?? What are you trying to say? 4. How are the Prii on waiting list distributed? Dealer: In the same order as all waiting lists, first come, first serve. Why do you ask? (No, actually we cheat you, if someone offers more money, we put them ahead of you -like I'm gonna tell you we are going to cheat you, ahead of time.) 5. If I put a deposit down and after 60 days, I'm still on the waiting list, will you refund my deposit? Dealer: No, we're cheapskates looking to rob you of every penny. (that was a joke, sure you'll get your money back if that is our policy.) 6. This was not a question. In fact, you cannot do question #6 since you didn't ask the dealer the forecasted dates of allocation. ZC1
ZC1. I edited my post because what I meant to say was I agree with you, but I worded it wrong the 1st time. Your dealer/customer conversation is funny. lol . .
I agree with Chris, Ask for stuff, the worst they can say is NO, ......no wait a minute,...the worst they can say is Get Lost. ZC1