I had to drive from Downtown Los Angeles to Lancaster today. the temperatures were almost unbearable. On the way to Lancaster, the outside temperature actually hit 110 degrees at one point. Inside my car, it was a different story. The tinting I had done a few weeks ago worked great at keeping the suns rays from heating up the car. When I finished with my business in Lancaster, the outside temperature gauge said 113 degrees, yet my car was cool inside. I highly recommend this tint to anyone who lives in a hot climate.
i'm going with johnsonwindowfilms "insulatir" ceramic info at johnsonwindowfilms.com nice website with detailed performance specs on each tint type a little cheaper than "pinnacle" and "huper optik", but specs i think are similar all windows including front will be tinted this week. . .we'll see how it goes
Hey guys I went with huper optik 40 and I love it!! I even have tinted front windshield with huper optik clear tint. :nod: