I can't post on the forums with firefox for mac, (v2 or v3 beta), but it works with safari. the message I get for firefox tells me my post is too short, please make it more than 1 character
Well let's see what happens with this post because I'm a real dummy at the computer, but I have a mac and use firefox. Don't really care for safari.
I just fired up Firefox V3.0 (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061004 Firefox/3.0) on my Mac Book Pro and have no problem. Try with the latest version of Firefox and see if you still have problems.
I'm on Firefox 2.X and no problem. Make sure you have the latest one. Also, if you're on a Mac you need to occasionally repair your permissions. If you haven't restarted your Mac in a while, you should probably do that too.
Godiva, V3.0 is the latest Firefox. In addition to repairing permissions, an occasional Safe boot is a good idea; from off, hold down the shift key when you power on your Mac. A Safe boot runs a file system check on your boot disk to catch and correct any disk problems. It takes a while, and you have to keep holding the shift key until you see the clock spin (the circular animated icon with a bar at each hour position).
Works great! It's virtually the same as the V3 beta that's been around for months. And it includes robots.