Can you clearly see? It must be hard to type upside down and holding a flashlight... To see this part you can be standing. It's not hidden in some nook or cranny.
Don't be a squirt! Welcome to PriusChat, billh! :welcome: No, that's the wrong side of the car, but it is up front.
It clips to the underside of the bonnet and it holds the windscreen washer hose through a bend to prevent kinking. Just a guess.
"Hey Honey, I'm gonna be out in the garage for a bit....okay?" 30 minutes later, I'm no closer than when I started except... I believe it's a guide of wiring in a wiring harness or, perhaps it's a wire guide inside the outside mirrors? With no Toyota manuals/books to reference, just a stupid flashlight.......Arrrgggghhh ZC1
I'm the Chump! Right you are, Pat. I'm surprised it took so long since it's on the same part that ZC1 started this with. I kept dropping clues... This is the usual angle you might see it from. See ZC1's thumb? Ok Pat Sparks, whatcha got for us?
It was tougher than you think Bill. Like I said my guess was just that, I was only looking at the part's design and thought what is this used for and your clues, it is up front and you can see it standing. Well I already had one go but here we go. It's really dirty, I just got back from a trip when I took this.
Pat, Looks like a combination of dust (road dirt) and ice on your back window where the heater elements have cut heated lines into it. ZC1
No and no although one is warm. Oh I can't do it, it isn't the back window and it isn't brake lines. No ice on my back window, not in June but maybe a couple of mornings in July or August but only if I leave it outside overnight.
Location: dirty wheel well Items: a segment of a cable leading to a speed sensor, and a segment of a metal brake line Purpose: provide speed sensor signal to skid ECU, and provide hydraulic fluid pressure to brake wheel cylinder
That is the most uniform dirty wheel well I've ever seen. It's also got the weirdest looking surreal layers also. If Bill didn't say brake line and I didn't have to stand 10ft away, I would never have seen the single cable, since it really looks like a flat piece of ice. Edit: I just looked at it again, it's the most weirdest picture I've seen. I probably won't be able to even guess this one. ZC1
Half right, location is right. Now we see Prius owners around the world running out to look under their wheel arches. Picture is right way up and taken without dismantling any of the car and taken at night with a flash but I think I had my finger over the flash to reduce washout.
What are you complaining about Pat? Aren't you currently stumping the Chumps? In the end, we always guess it... well, almost. ZC1
I want to be a player not the stumper. I have already stumped the chumps by 6 hours on my last one. There is no jacking required, no disasembly and you don't even need to lay on the ground, just bend down and look under each wheel arch and you will see it. Seriously I thought this would go off first guess, anyone who ever fitted mudflaps or rotated wheels would have seen this. Although it could be unique to Aussie Prius but I doubt it.