Senator Lieberman behind the wheel. "Senator, look out for that bus [attachmentid=3769]Found this News Article, where the members of CalCars demo their 100MPG Prius to the "guys" at Capitol Hill. In the backgroung of this picture you can notice the screen of CANView on full action and demo it on EV mode. Way to go Norm!!
That "100+ MPG" is a new misconception in the making... very frustrating. Placing so much emphasis on EV only driving is sending the wrong message. Where's the actual real-world data? What should the majority of people (which drive a mixture of city, suburb, and highway) expect from plug-in upgrade?
I tell everyone it is 100+MPG for the first 30 miles each day after that it is back to the normal 50mpg. Some in the oil industry argue that I need to account for the electricity used in that equation. I tell them, "No the whole point is to use as little fossil fuels as possible, it is not about saving money. Clean Renewable Domestic Electricity is way cheaper than Oil in so many ways. Because of electric cars we, and our children don’t have to breathe in so many fumes and you just can’t put a price on that! Besides Electricity is Domestic and gas is sometimes make from Dirty Foreign Oil." They normally go away to think about that for awhile.
100+ mpg for the first 30 miles... for the first year First year = brand new batteries = 30 miles Second year = 25 miles ? Third year = 20 miles ? It's annoying sometimes to see calculations based on ten years and using the "brand new" performance level. I would like to see calculations taking a deterioration factor into effect.