List of ways to improve fuel economy?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by skyisblue, May 9, 2008.

  1. dwdean

    dwdean Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius

    I think you're right; we're coming from the same place. I also agree that our respective topographies are potentially the problem.

    My limited experience with hills has been with my parents’ house in California. They live on the side of a very steep hill that they necessarily have to drive up and then stop. Hopefully, I'll be having that problem in the relatively near future (the flat terrain in Florida makes for great MPG, but is really boring to live in.)

    At this point my only question is whether or not I'm going to get a SG before I move back to California or not. ;) The biggest thing that I see using it for is engine RPM. Even in my current "flat-land" existence, I have questions about what the engine is really doing.
  2. rwlade

    rwlade Dr. Bob

    Apr 5, 2005
    Cape Coral FL
    2005 Prius
    It is difficult to imagine getting less than 40 mpg. My Prius is a 2005 model and both my wife and I drive it. She gets mid 40's and I get around 50 mpg. She drives like Mario Andretti on Memorial Day after 2 pots of coffee and still has never seen less than 44 mpg. She totally violates the usual advise of slow acceleration, gradual braking, egg under the gas pedal, etc. She merges onto the freeway with the pedal to the metal and breaks the same way. Amazing!

    When we bought the car we thought we might just break even over the 7 years we plan on keeping it (extended warranty of 7 years here), but now that gas is approaching 4/gal, in two years we break even. I just checked Kelly Blue Book and our car is still worth 16-17K. Not bad!

    After 3 years of ownership, I am still a VERY happy Prius owner.
  3. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    The ScanGauge is a multi-purpose tool that will give you new insights into
    the inner workings of the hybrid drive package. Yes, you can monitor and
    drive by RPMs. You can also drive by ignition advance (IGN) values when
    using the SuperHighway Mode (SHM). If you're going to use grill blocking
    (In FL and CA?) you should also monitor coolant temps. By checking battery
    voltage after you shut down the ICE, you could get advance notice of a
    failing 12 V battery, and avoid some really troublesome and potentially
    expensive issues. You can also recover trouble codes to help investigate
    non-crucial alarm lights. And there's much more it can do/tell you.

    All in all, I think the SCANGauge should be one of the first two "mods" for
    any Prius. I will concede that for practical reasons all weather floor mats
    might come first. But then it should be the ScanGauge... even if you have to
    give up a morning Starbucks for a month to get it.

    My $0.02...
  4. dwdean

    dwdean Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    LOL...sounds like good advice. Though honestly, one of the other issues I'm having is that it really is kind of ugly. I really like the zen cleanliness of the Prius dash and have been trying to figure a way to put the SG in that would look half way decent.

    Yes, I know, I could get the other thing that uses the MFD as the IO device, but it didn't seem as functional as the SG.

    Sooner or later I'm probably just going to break down and get one....:cool:
  5. dwdean

    dwdean Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    South Florida
    2008 Prius
    That's because you live in Florida (OK, so do I.)

    Maybe if I hadn't driven a Prius on "real" terrain previously, I might find it hard to believe too, but climate and terrain really do impact the FE on this car.

    The place we live is near perfect for the Prius, others have more challenges. That doesn't mean that it's not possible for them to get high FE, it just means that they have challenges we don't and that they can't just "fall off the log."
  6. Rokeby

    Rokeby Member

    Jan 21, 2008
    Ballamer, Merlin
    2008 Prius
    I couldn't agree more. Sitting in the middle of the dash it's a real eye sore.
    The are other options though. None is as good as having the SG at arms length
    right in front of you. Popular mounting positions include:

    * in that box, right below the radio/disc changer -- door closes and hides it
    * far to the left, over by the little triangular window (Whose purpose is ??)
    " on a mount that attaches to the rearview mirror mounting arm
    * right behind the steering wheel
    * on top of the MFD, angled towards the driver

    Buy the SG, start saving even more gas $$, then figure out where you can live
    with it.
  7. rak

    rak New Member

    Oct 11, 2005
    Here in Berkeley. most city streets are only 25 mph speed limit (a few are 30, but never 40!). I, too, only get about low 40s, but I'm working on it! And by the way - going down Marin Ave. doesn't have a "long shallow side" - it's just steep up (or down), then you reach the more level top (or bottom)! Totally impossible to go down with no arrows.
  8. cuong.v.nguyen

    cuong.v.nguyen New Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    2008 Prius
    We just got an 08 for about 1.5 month. We average 48 mpg. And here are a few things that we noticed that affect mpg. We recently had extreme hot day for about a week, so needless to say the AC ran a lot and that cost us about 3 to 4 mpg. Secondly, we noticed that we got more mpg when we bring up the air pressure on the tires. Our is now set at 40/38 and we are getting almost 49 mpg. And this is mostly highway driving. And lastly, when I drive I try to find a boxy van or truck that have low overhang and stay behind it. I noticed that I get about 55 mpg when I do that. And this remind me of a program in the Discovery channel where they test and confirmed that you get better gas mileage by following a truck. Remember you don't have to follow the truck in front that close. So I think you might want to take the roof rack off. It might help.
  9. Captain Fantastic

    Captain Fantastic New Member

    May 15, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I have had my prius for a week and have noticed a few differences in my two tanks so far:

    1. take your foot of the gas as much as possible. I coast/glide up to lights or through them.

    2. Set the cruise control if possible.

    3. The gas pedal is really a feather. There is a thin line between using the Battery and using the ICE and then "gliding." Learn to try to feel the difference between the two. gliding is always better than coasting and recharging the battery.