all! This is bontrra (bonterra..."good earth") from Los Angeles, CA. I have an 05 black Toyota Prius and just love it. I just wanted to see if any of you are having the funniest problem in getting back to another car? I have a company car (that isn't a Prius) that I sometimes drive and have found myself reaching for the Power button and the gear shift. I've found myself depressing "air" to release the parking brake that isn't there. I have the greatest time laughing about it. Friends/coworkers sitting with me often give me the crazed look. Then I explain to them that I own a Prius hybrid.
yes I have. It's pressing the accelerator too hard causing a sudden burst of acceleration and pressing the brake too lightly resulting in next to no braking. My parents thought I was nuts and lost the ability to drive hehe
After using every excuse I could think of to borrow my wife's Prius since I bought it for her about 5 weeks ago, I drove my Mitsubishi Delica diesel van today for the first time in a while. At the first red light I encountered, I had a feeling something was terribly wrong. The van was vibrating and making a lot of noise. Then I realised it was just the engine idling...and it was "normal".
Hehehe. I had the same feeling yesterday. I took the truck to work as I had several bags of trash to toss into the compactor. Going from a Prius to a Dodge Cummins is a REAL wake up call - especially in the parking garage, where I've gotten more than used to only hearing the tires squeaking on the concrete.
Ahh yes. That's how I had my little accident. I drove my mom's old Camry right into the rear of my Prius. Since then, I only drive Prius.
My truck actually slows down more quickly than my Prius. I'll credit that one to a 16.5:1 compression ratio and a manual tranny.
I changed the oil in my wife's car over the weekend. To get in the car, I had to actually get the keys out of my pocket. I instinctively just reached for the handle and stood there dumb-founded when it didn't unlock. I literally couldn't remember which key unlocked the door so I used the fob. Then put the keys back in my pocket only to have to get them out again to start the car. Even after telling myself "this is not a Prius", I reached for the (START) button to start and [P] to park. I was so glad no one was watching. I usually pride myself on being able to distinguish and keep things straight in my head. But yeah, I was so disoriented I almost didn't know what to do. To make matters worse, her car is identical to the car I used to drive for two years before getting Priapus. I did notice, however, that the console shifter in the Buick has [P] on top with [R], [N], and [D] from top-down. This reminded me of a critic who complained that the Prius shifter must be pushed up to go backwards and down to go forwards. When you look at the [Park] button and selector, you see the identical pattern of gears as in any other car. Just thought I'd mention that.
i helped a friend move last month in my F-150... i swear to god, i nearly wrecked twice because the car's steering just seems so out of control... never bothered me before...but it definitely does now!!
I had to make a quick trip in my old Plymouth Grand Voyager and was very glad no one was in the car with me. Stopping took longer, turning corners felt weird, and acceleration was too fast. I did manage to increase the mpg average shown during my little trip. Shows that the lessons learned in the Prius are transferrable.
There is also the possibility that your older car needs its brakes checked. After all, its brakes are older than the ones on your Prius (for most of us). My feeling that my 2001 Avalon had poor braking was confirmed by a mechanic. I saved myself an unexpected repair by getting the car checked when I could expect a small replacement. I agree that the Prius braking is superior to the non-regenerative (degenerate?) braking on other cars.
Each weekday morning at 0630 I look around at the first stop light and wonder why all the other vehicles are idling. I notice drive-through businesses where all the cars are idling and wonder why. I go to my credit union, park and walk over to an ATM, wondering why all the parked cars are idling. All these observations with an awareness of air quality impacts. After a 30 minute highway commute, I turn into work and notice heads turn I they realize the Prius is silent, while I'm enjoying a green battery. When I drive other cars, feathering the accelerator does nothing other than slow the vehicle with no video display in the dash and no regeneration.
Just a hair off topic- my friend/boss recently traded in her diesel 1995 GMC Suburban tank for a nimble 2004 Highlander. On cold days, she'll sometimes still sit for a second and wait to let the non-existant glow plugs warm up, and occasionally she'll reach for the non-existant column shifter before doing a little S-curve with her hand down to where the Highlander's shifter is.
Once accustomed to a Prius, it's increasingly difficult to feel comfortable in a "regular" auto. The transmission shifting, the engine idling at stop lights, the greedy fuel consumption, no "NAV lady" to talk with (even with her frequently weird responses), having to dig for a metal key to enter and start the car - etc. etc. It is accurate to say: I am definitely SPOILED to Prius advantages !
In a similar fashion I had a good laugh once. At one point when I was a teenager my parents owned a huge '77 Oldsmobile 98 with the conventional control layout of American cars of that era; column shifter, pedal operatied parking brake, horrendous ergonomics and all. In '83 we took a trip to Europe and after landing in Luxembourg we rented a Fiat Ritmo (smallish 4 door hatchback) with a manual transmission. When we were leaving the hotel, after getting in the Fiat, I watched my mother put her foot on the clutch, put the gearshift in neutral, turn the key to start up the car, and then she grabbed the windshield wiper stalk from behind and nearly ripped it off the steering column and she had a puzzled look for a brief moment trying to figure out why the windshield wipers were going instead of the car being in Drive. I have not driven anything since I took delivery of my Prius a month ago and I'm sure I'll have a similar moment the first time I attempt to drive something else.
I had to go out of town last week for a funeral. I had the joy ukeright: of driving a Ford Focus for 4 days. I had to keep telling my self to reach for the keys when on got out of the car. I found myself automatically reaching to power off the car it just felt weird being in the car. I've only had my Prius for four months but this car sure changes the way you drive. I even found myself feathering the gas as I was driving around town.
I don't know why, but my dad still has the RHD/LHD problem with the indicator and wiper stalks. Even though the Prius' layout is exactly the same as the Camry's, he would turn on the wiper to indicate. (We've been out of a RHD country for over 8 years now)
As originally posted, I have a 2005 black Prius. I had to move our other car this morning. I was really frustrated when I went to pull the handle on the driver-side door and it wouldn't unlock and open. I think I even murmured something when the door wouldn't unlock and open. I was upset about it, then realized - with embarrassment - that it wasn't the Prius! How embarassing!
I just bought a used 2004 Prius yesterday and let me remind you all of where you came from. I didn't have any help here. I literally sat in the car for 5 minutes trying to figure out that 'fun' power button. Hit it once, the screen comes on. Hit it again, all the gauges come on except the speedometer. "What the heck am I doing wrong?" I knew that the engine probably wouldn't turn on, but the accelerator wasn't making it move either. I pushed the brake and try to shift into drive like a normal car. Nope. Cycle the power on it half a dozen times trying different things. Nope. Seems there should be a sign saying apply brake THEN hit power. Got it figured out now. The engine actually did kick on right away. The battery charge was just over 1/2. I pulled out of the parking space and as I pause just before entering the street, what happens? The engine kicks off. "Oh my god I just stalled the thing as I'm pulling into traffic." Only for an instant did I think that. I strangely didn't slow down after the stall. Don't get me started on the 'key' If it wasn't for the two landing strip lights on the dash I wouldn't have found that slot in the dark. I've had the car for 24 hours now and I like it. The great Klyndt education is happening right now. I'm sure before too long I'll be just like you guys. Klyndt