I got my Prius in February, and at the time, my parents weren't very happy that I was getting a "small" car. Now they decide to take a 3 week road trip from Ohio to Maine, and of course, took my Prius!! In the meantime they left me with my mom's 2005 Xterra. I've never felt like a more wasteful person in my life. Everytime I turn the car on and hear the engine roar, I cringe . I think I'll be riding my bike...
If it's a car they bought for you, that's unfortunate. If not, tell them to get their own! In the mean time, we'll spend the next three weeks calling you "Andy." You will be upgraded to "Drew" when they bring your car back. I really hope enough people around here watch The Office, otherwise that joke is going to bomb...
Why weren't they happy you were getting a "small" Prius? (PS - tell them it's really a midsize!) Interior space wise, the Xterra is very similar in the passenger compartment (though it can hold a bit more in the rear) and overall exterior dimensions (except for height) are also very similar!
Hahah, I got it! and RedHawk you scared me for a second, I thought this was going to be a thread about you actually trading in your prius for an exterra. I sold my Pathfinder and bought my Prius and I never looked back... I love my prius and I think it has more room than the pathfinder did. (I had a huge subwoofer in the back) Have fun Biking
I also thought that this is going to a permanent change of vehicle. IMO, riding the bike (moto) has a little more 'fun factor' involved. On a nice day, my motorcycle always wins the toss. Ride safe.
So they take the "small" car on a roadtrip? At least they don't call it "the golf cart". (My brother used to. Not any more.)
Haha ya, I've heard the golf cart one, but my friends refer to it as "The Spaceship" more often! These are the same ones who get upset when I remind them how much more they have to pay for gas... I live in Dayton, and I hear that at the Joseph Toyota dealership, there's a 2 month wait to get a Prius? Has anyone else heard anything like this?
Thats really funny! My friends call my silver prius the "space ship," but i call it Pri Pri (Pree Pree), or sometimes i call it the "hybrid love storm" lol, which is my favorite name for her. In Ma, at my local dealer, there is a 6 month wait. WHen i go to the gas station, and i fill up next to an SUV. I like to say very loudly, "I cant believe it cost me thirty five whole dollars to fill up! These gas prices are killing me!" hehe. They dont seam to find it as funny, when they have to swipe their cards again, because the credit cut off is at 75$, and their tanks arent even full. Haha..... SUckers
I just love it, swipe that credit card again. I think its great when we travel and we just pull up to the pump to get the bugs off, than drive away. I don't even get the credit card out. I think they should have a 50.00 dollar limit. Maybe those SUV drivers will wear out them cards. LOL
At the bank today, I had a guy in a F250 truck just stare at me as I pulled up next to him(almost under him..LOL). When I got out he just laughed and said,"Don't u feel silly drivin that Hybrid? Real men drive big trucks! I really was caught off guard and the only thing I could think to say was," Don't u feel silly watching us drive by the gas station gettin 50+ mpg while ur gettin only 12mpg pumping diesel into that waste at 4.65 per gallon"??? He just shook his head and walked in. That was the 1st negative remark I've had toward my PRI since I got it @3 months ago!!
I pulled up to the pump yesterday afterwork and said fill her up with the regular. The attendant told me they were out of regular. I said "close the cap please I'll be back when you have regular". He said "won't you run out before then" I said "Please! I'm good for another 200+ miles I just like to fill her at less than a quarter tank" I love my car, I never smiled more driving anything else.
Hi All, Well, I always thought the USA was the home of the BRAVE. Not the home of people who are scared into large vehicles by the physcological manipulation of some skinny twit in France (Rappaile). So, are we going to be Americans, or wimps ? When I had reservations about the crap people might pull on me because of what they think the Prius is, back when the car was very very very rare on Chicagoland roads, well, I said, somebody has to step up and be an American, and its going to be me. Lord knows I have demonstrated bravery before, although not in a military context. As to the truck comment, lots of 18 wheeler drivers have Prius as the personal car, amoungst other professions. Having driven a 26 footer cross country (Chicago to Phoenix), once, anybody driving an 18 wheeler in a competent manner has my respect. So, how did this bozo "know" he was not talking to a profession OTR driver, police officer, fighter pilot, other laying-it-on-the-line professional? He did not, He was just being an arxx.
Wow. I'm really amazed at some of the things you and others have reported being subjected to. People frequently stopped me to ask questions back when I drove my x's hch and sometimes now with the prius; but, I've never experienced anything but honest interest and curiosity. Perhaps my gender spares me the brunt of this ill-mannered behavior.
My Prius gets great MPG, for sure, but so does my Hybrid Highlander, albeit not as good, obviously. The thing about the Highlander, is you really have to sort of notice the 'hybrid' badging, otherwise it looks like a regular Highlander. So I'm at a gas station, the same one I go to all the time, when I am in town at least, and the attendant knows me. He says, as I pump up slowly, 'Isn't this the second time you be in this month?' And I say, 'Yeah. I've been driving a bit more. ' So then he says, without a blink, 'Boy, I bet you wish you drove a Hybrid, don't you? Gas mileage got to suck in a SUV! That's why I drive a Prius! ' I looked at him, and pointed to the Hybrid badge. He then said, 'I never knew that you drove a Hybrid! I just thought you did not get gas much here!' Overhearing this was a guy driving a H3. He said, 'If I knew that they made Hybrid SUV'S , I would have got one.'
redhawk - hmmmmmmmmm. so your parents took your car, and gave you a XTERRA??? seems that you're on your own, in terms of living alone and such. if this is a serious thread, then i have several questions for you. #1) RU making payments on the prius? if so, who is making the payments? #2) Is the Xterra paid off? if not, who's making those payments? i too am a parent and i wont just "take" my daughters car unless it's agreed upon, thats not cool parenting. now, NO insults here, just a series of questions. riding your bike is OK, but realize that most drivers out there are NOT pedestrian/bike savvy, so if your commute is more than 5 miles, it's safer to be in your car than your bike. i made this post because i'm curious and can't understand this. since you posted this, can you explain? be safe out there on your bike
While the driver of the F250 was a huge douchebag, Diesel is much better than gas. F-Series diesels have a few different motors, anywhere from 6.0L to 7.3L with anywhere from 525-600+ Lb/ft torque. They get 20-22mpg on the highway. The Prius, despite a fraction of the power/weight/displacement, only gets a little more than double the fuel economy. Most small European TDI's get better mileage than a Prius....