A dealership has one of these available and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Every picture I see online looks different. If you have a Silver Pine Mica, would you be willing to post a picture or two here?
It's a very nice (pretty? can guys say that?) color. It's lighter and more silver than the color depicted on the Toyota website -- at least it is on my '06. I'll try to remember to post a pic tomorrow.
I am waiting on a SPM to come in so I can't post a picture yet. But I have seen several on the road in the last week and I can vouch that the color is much nicer in person than the pictures on the Toyota website would indicate. I have not seen one at night yet, but I have been told by several people on this forum that it does indeed look silver at night. I was apprehensive about the taking the color sight unseen just because I could get it with a very short wait. But from the input that I received from people on this forum with that color and now having actually seen the color on a Prius in person, I am very excited to be getting the SPM.
I don't know, I'm going to have to disagree. Perhaps the color changed in '08? I have a '08 and I'd say it's a bit less sliver and more a light green. In fact I wouldn't describe it as looking silver at all, just light green. With that being said the middle picture and the first picture IMO are a good representation of the color.... the bottom picture looks a bit light and would probably be the best representation of the color if there was a bright glare on it from full sun. Mike
SPM looks like really really light mint green under the lights and/ or sun and it does look silver at night with the shortage of prius now a days ... id probably take any color long as it has the pkg that i like -good luck
I have the SPM color. It is by far, the color my wife and I liked the best. I think it looks better in person than the pictures. It always looks clean on the outside, unlike my blue, black, red, maroon colred cars. I personally think its an excellent choice and would purchase SPM ahead of any other color. I just hated it when I washed my other cars and it rained and showed every imperfection. Good luck with your decision. Terry
I would grab it fast, it is a beautiful color!!!!!! I saw one in the showroom with leather bisque interior and it looked so classy. That was my 1st color choice
Agree here. My neighbors got an '08 SPM this Spring, so I've seen it parked in front of their house for the past 3 months or so. I'd go with the top picture (at least on my monitor at work!) being the closest. There is a definite light green cast to it. If someone just asked me what color their car was (and I wasn't geeky enough to know what Toyota calls it), I'd describe as a light sea foam green. Cheers, Dave
I'd go for it - but it was on my list of colors that I'd "accept". My sister-in-law has one, she loves it and says it hardly shows dirt...
spm was the color my wife and i wanted to get if we had bought a new one. but to be honest im still a fan of our superwhite model
Really? You don't see the silver in those pictures? Sure, it's light green, but there's a definite silver "undertone" to it... Well, I guess it just goes to show you everybody's eyes are different.
Why pictures removed? I see SPM, it seems some more green than silver and vice versa, did the color change from 04 to 08 at all? Having a toss up between getting black of SPM (and got the black), I wish I had gone with SPM. I see every speck of dirt on the black, and the SPM is such a pretty and unique color. SO disappointed it won't be around in 2010 for the plug-in option.
It would have been my first choice, but my daughter insisted on a blue car. I agree that the silvery green with the bisque interior is just a classy combination. I've seen them in person and also up close at the dealer.
We have the SPM and love it,as stated before it doesn't show dirt. Color is a personal choice I think black is the best color on the Prius but is just to hard to keep clean for me. We went to another city just to get the SPM and we are well satisfied. If you want it to look even better get a window tint job. I would post pic but the one that have been posted look better than mine. Jim
Silver Pine Mica's look depends on the lighting. As you see below, even changing your viewing angle can make it look a little different. To me it's generally a pretty silvery-green color, but, at night, say under parking or street lights, it's completely silver (a color I dislike, btw). As long as the sun comes up, I can live with it. I've got more pics over at Flickr.
OMG. I'm so indecisive. Somebody set me straight here. I have NO IDEA what color I want. I though I liked the Silver Pine Mica, and then I didn't. And then I did. And now I don't know. The car is still there, but I'm running out of time to decide. We are next on the list so if I pass this up, I will still get my car pretty quickly (so they say).
My wife and I bought our 08 SPM sight-unseen and basically, over the phone. We couldn't be happier with the color. From the brochure, we were undecided about which color to get. That was somewhat of a moot point as that was really the only Prius left on the lot. But it occurred to us that some cars scream out to be red, some black maybe others yellow, but really, what better color for a "green" auto than green? I also have to agree with an earlier post that it never really looks really dirty - a bonus.