I saw this on another website I scan daily, thought it really needed to be crossposted here!Caption Contest: The Google Maps Prius Gets a Speeding Ticket What kind of mileage hit do you think that camera rig causes?
looks heavy, my guess is 10mpg hit, and if the google maps prius driver drives like the prius owners who have company prii (and gas cards) i doubt its getting over 33
I'm not surprised he got a ticket. My brothers saw one of these prii the other day. they zoom! If you look at their progress with the maps.. they have to be speeding. it's amazing how fast they are posting street views.. i assume every street camera vehicle is a prius?
Cop: Sorry to tell you, buddy, but that contraption does not make you invisible to radar. It'll cost you $60 bucks and two points.
lol... a Barcelona Red Prius with a 5 foot contraption, that's basically a "look at me" car hehe. I saw a Cobalt Google car up here before. No idea what it was doing in Canada.
if you do a search for google fleet.. you'll see that there are about 20 cars that are dedicated to this purpose... just for Canada. they're all cobalts
Driver: "Sir, I need to take photographs at a certain average speed. Unfortunately you caught me at the high end of my Pulsing and Gliding." Cop: Mister, I must ask you to refrain from the use of offensive language. If you continue to rant about what you were doing in the car, I will arrest you for disorderly conduct."
Anyone notice, for starters, that: - The Prius has California plates. - There is no driver in the black truck ahead. - There is no passenger in the black truck ahead - There is no driver in the white vehicle. - The road has a steep downward angle (towards the Prius), not normally seen on roads. - It looks more like some type of mid field asphalted raceway, despite the single yellow and single white line. - What happened to the other white line on the other side of the road, it's not there. - The Prius is too close to the rear of the parked black truck for the Prius to have actually pulled over in real traffic. - The two vehicles ahead are actually parked. (since they are exactly parking distance apart, properly parking aligned, they are not on a proper roadway, and there are no drivers.) - If it's an actual road shoulder, then why are the two vehicles ahead double-parked? - The "ticketed" Prius has cameras at both left and right but also sports a camera at front, possibly rear too. When does the Google Prius take pictures of the road ahead and behind? - The cop has a square badge, not a normal official police badge. - The "cop's" motorcycle fairing is not sporting any official labels. - The "cop" is not wearing any official arm patches. - The "cop" is not holding a pen or pencil. - Motorcycle officers do NOT park that close to the car, it severly blocks his exit in case the cop must defensively retreat. -When my grandfather and friends rode their official California motorbikes, they wore black and white helmets, not baby blue. (Have times changed?) (My grandfather was a motorcycle cop, my personal friends are two sheriffs, I'm IT tech for a sheriff dept, one of my closest friends is a police officer, my brother is law enforcement officer, another friend is a detective.) ZC1
Here's a real picture unlike the one above! This police officer is dutifully giving this "hardened" criminal his just rewards. Gang members just set themselves up for a pull-over. ZC1
That photo originally came from someone's Flickr photo stream and if you look at the whole thing, you'll see that the pulled-over car is actually in a parking lot, on the Presidio in San Francisco:
In LochNess's photo, 5 points if you can spot the "other" 2nd Prius. And is that a 3rd older generation Prius, or am I seeing things? ZC1
Pat, I was wondering if the silver car next to the Silver Prius was an earlier model? It has almost the exact body style except the rear end has a trunk. ZC1