So much for "Oceans cooling" ... Oceans warm more quickly than suspected: study The world's oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, densely-populated delta regions around the globe. The study, published in the British journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chorus of warnings about the pace and consequences rising oceans. more at link
YAWWWWWWWN! Another report CONTRADICTING the ICC report. I wonder who we should believe???? AND .53 mm per year.... that's 2" rise over 100 years! Climate change - real (ALWAYS HAS BEEN but maybe not with the same connotation it has now) AGW - NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE, oh yeah there are a lot of people who cite short term climatic patterns as evidence that man has affected the climate, but their models are incomplete, they are proved wrong many times (as this report actually shows), the Earth has not warmed over the last 10 years. Humans do better when their is global warming. Every expansion of the human race has occurred during PAST periods of GW. (That occurred WITHOUT SUVs).
I'm all for Global Warming and such, but since it's the 19th of JUNE and all month it's been fricking cold or rainy or cold or.... Where the heck is the warm weather we were promised with Global Warming. I need some heat. Edit: How can I detail my Prius in 50+ or raining weather? Have my own car show in my garage?? ZC1
Wow, way to cover all of human history with one inaccurate statement. lol Many civilizations collapsed due to drought during warming periods. Do we toss out these situations because they don't fit your opinion? We need to keep in mind that past civilizations did not rely on such an intricate and sensitive infrastructure as we do today. Overspecialization breeds a reduction in resiliency.
I had no idea the US Interstate Commerce Commission was such a player in this arena. Well, I guess transportation does contribute a fair share of C02 emissions. But seriously folks, it's a pity, but those of us who aren't quite so sure we know it all in this area actually have to take the time to read the research and get the name of the organization correct, before we disparage it. This research doesn't contradict the IPCC report, it reconciled what had otherwise been a small gap between two sets of measurements in the IPCC report-- sea level increase and the factors that contribute to sea level increase. Sea level had been rising faster than could be accounted for by the measured factors such as ice melt and ocean temperature. This study suggests mis-measurement of global ocean temperatures was the reason for the apparent discrepancy. Not surprising, as the uncertainty in the measurement of global ocean temperatures is much higher than that of land temperatures. Maybe worth quoting what the authors of the study concluded as well: "Our results are important for the climate modelling community because they boost confidence in the climate models used for projections of global sea-level rise resulting for the accumulation of heat in the oceans," Domingues said in a statement.
Don't these others factor in as well, soil erosion, land slides, lava / magma flow (double whammy, heat and volume), extraterrestrial fall out, plate tectonics up heaving of ocean floor.etc etc etc etc. ????
It is the ice melting off land that raises the sea level. Not the melting of icebergs already in the water.
Sure but there are opposite effects as well, including but not limited to: ocean floor subduction lava flows on continental plates Mountain building Glacial isostatic adjusment There are obviously many factors contributing to global sea levels but thermal expansion and water locked up in reservoirs (glacial sheets, aquifers, etc.) have greater effects than most others. Some effects are more localized than others which is usually the case with certain uplift events.