As I pass other Prius Divers/Owners, I give you a Thumbs Up from my hand on top of the steering wheel. If you see me, give me the Thumbs Up back! Spread the word. THUMBS UP TO PRIUS OWNERS.
Thumbs Up is really really hard to see. In the past, Prius owner's did the Prius Wave, but times are changing and waves are few. Today, I saw a Prius at an intersection and basically, she couldn't be bothered to look at me or wave back. Oh well... ZC1
90% of the time when I see another Pirus the other driver isn't looking. Heck, in the traffic I'm in you might as well look around since straight ahead gets pretty boring.
OMG, I'd have to keep waiving here there are so many people driving a Prius. Mini owners used to wave too, but there are too many who have it as "just a car" now, not as a passion.
Oh, another thought. Maybe everyone is too busy looking at their MPG and which way the arrows are going, or looking for no arrows....
Ditto here,,, I'm on the lookout all the time now for fellow Pri drivers and there are not too many in my suburb, so when I do see the ocassional driver, nobody is looking,, I saw a Silver Pine Mica today stopped at a light and she looked about my age, I tried to see if she was looking around but she was fiddling with something in the car....
The people in my town are rude, I stopped waving to prius drivers along time ago. I've been shot down hundreds of times, I think half the time they think I am acting like an a$$hole. oh well. I will thumbs up when I am in your neck of the woods
During the day, I "reach out and touch" Prii closing from ahead with a quick "double-click" on the headlights. I'll do the same if stopped at an intersection if I make eye contact first. I've gotten about 3 replies out of 100 flashed. That's alright, I don't mind. They just have to expand their event horizon somewhat, to be recognized.
There are so many around here that I would get carpel tunnel for sure. I think it's a cool idea and who wouldn't smile if someone waved at them?
I wave all the time especiall at Barcelona Red Prii but nobody around here feels the Gas electric love..:grouphug:
A few weeks ago another Prius rolled up next to me in traffic on the Garden State Parkway. He rolled down his driver's side window & I rolled down my passenger's. And we proceeded to have a conversation extolling the virtues of the Prius over the next 1/2 mile or so. Good thing we were only going between 10-15 mph at the time.
Around here, a thumbs up might be mistaken for "Gig 'em, (Texas A&M) Aggies" -- which might be offensive to Texas Longhorns. I plan to wave once I get my Prius.