Haha. This is what I work on every day at my job. We are working on increasing starch content in crops (through genetic modification). Whether I am for or against biofuel, this is where my paycheck comes from.
This sounds like the writer is refering to the algae biofuel industry. Algae can be 50% oil if you starve them after letting them mature long enough ( think two days). Algae can actually be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, as corn-based alcohol is. Check out OriginOil, Inc - OriginOil Home and Solazyme for a basic look at the industry, or just check the tsble below: Gallons of Oil per Acre per Year Corn . . . . . . . 15 Soybeans . . . .48 Safflower. . . . . 83 Sunflower . . . 102 Rapeseed. . . 127 Oil Palm . . . . 635 Micro Algae . .1850 [based on actual biomass yields] Micro Algae . .5000-15000 [theoretical laboratory yield]