Fascinating item in the news today: Drivers with bumper stickers likely to be aggressive: study --- with some counter-intuitive findings. My personal observation has been that the vehicles MOST wall-papered with bumper stickers are generally progressive (or liberal) in inclination (anti-death penalty, imagine world peace, etc.), whereas vehicles with NRA stickers or pro-Bush stickers rarely have more than one or two stickers - yet it is the wall-papered cars that most correlate with increased "territorial" aggressiveness on the road. More proof that first impressions are not always right.
That's not the spin I was expecting when I clicked into this thread. I expected to read something indicating that the more bumper stickers someone had on their car, th emore agressive other drivers were towards them.
My experiences mirror the study. More stickers the worse the driver. Especially these "generally progressive (or liberal) in inclination (anti-death penalty, imagine world peace, etc.)," These people believe they are the conscience of the world, and it is their right to enforce their beliefs on the world. In this case they enforce their belief that they are right (on the road) and everybody else is wrong.
OH COME ON NOW...........................i'm as passive as they come and i got a few stickers. dont judge the book by it's cover. although some are plaques, if you look closely, i have silver flames on the bottom of my rear window. bumper stickers versus stickers? hmmmmmm....
I'm a totally non-aggressive driver. I try very hard never to cut anyone off, I always use my blinkers, and I give up the right of way if someone else appears to be aggressive.
I read that article in today's paper,, I think they are totally off base, I have lots of stickers on my prius but most of them are about my Dachshunds,, that doesn't have anything to do with agressive driving at all.
Interestingly, I have the opposite experience. Around here, many people with overtly religious or conservative stickers are some of the most aggressive.
Yup. I'm a cyclist also. Autos that are the most aggressive (read: come with a few inches of ending my life) almost always have a "W" or a "Adam and Eve - not Adam and Steve", or a "Pro Life" (ironic?) type bumber sticker on the back. ... Brad
We've already had a longish running discussion about this over in CleanMPG; suggest y'all check it out... . _H*
Maybe people with stickers are more likely to try to read the the stickers of other cars and have to inch in there to get a better look. I usually just get into the next lane and inch forward as to not actually tailgate.
I was almost killed during a recent bike ride by a guy driving an SUV with a "CLERGY" sign on the door. Apparently the whole "thou shalt not kill" thing was too much for him to handle. I told him that Jesus saw what he did and he was going to hell.
Saw this one the other day. Thought it was pretty amusing. N'Chips Fish Plaque Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker GiantToo bad it's out of stock.
I had someone peel off my Obama 08 bumper sticker. Dont know where, but it was sometime yesterday. I was in way to many places to pinpoint a place.
You know things are bad when people can't afford to buy their own bumper stickers and have to resort to stealing someone else's.